Soo.... Mindflow is touring the USA....

no it isnt. If they love playing, it is like a vacation getting to do what you like. Will there be low turnouts and other issues along the way? yes. But it is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Maybe they saved up all sorts of money to pull off a DIY type tour. I fully support bands who just drive and play. There isnt a need for a huge light show or backdrops. let the music speak for itself. I wish more bands practiced this philosophy actually. I know if it is a weekend show and in the city I will try to get out there and see them. They have always peeked my interest.

no it isnt. If they love playing, it is like a vacation getting to do what you like. Will there be low turnouts and other issues along the way? yes. But it is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Maybe they saved up all sorts of money to pull off a DIY type tour. I fully support bands who just drive and play. There isnt a need for a huge light show or backdrops. let the music speak for itself. I wish more bands practiced this philosophy actually. I know if it is a weekend show and in the city I will try to get out there and see them. They have always peeked my interest.

I LOL'ed too ...
no it isnt. If they love playing, it is like a vacation getting to do what you like. Will there be low turnouts and other issues along the way? yes. But it is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Maybe they saved up all sorts of money to pull off a DIY type tour. I fully support bands who just drive and play. There isnt a need for a huge light show or backdrops. let the music speak for itself. I wish more bands practiced this philosophy actually. I know if it is a weekend show and in the city I will try to get out there and see them. They have always peeked my interest.

Did someone hijack your account? What you just said, seems about the opposite of what you would typically say to a tour like this.
Did someone hijack into your account? What you just said, seems about the opposite of what you would typically say to a tour like this.

what Mindflow are doing makes sense. Most bands try something on a smaller scale and end up sinking themselves money wise. If they really are playing milatary bases....that is a guaranteed turnout each place they play. Odds are a place to stay and food. No real loss of money.

I was refering to most power metal acts needing all this gear and sound effects and backing music. It isnt needed. Sure it is cool but for a band to just play without all the extra's is very cool in my book. I was raised in the DIY scene so this type of tour is what most bands need to do. I know most wont understand but a few of us who know will.

Now if Mindflow goes and rents a huge ass bus and get s big crew and goes all out...they will lose their shirts on this one. Will be interesting to see.

Like Dolomiter said...they just want to go out and play. More power to them.
no it isnt. If they love playing, it is like a vacation getting to do what you like. Will there be low turnouts and other issues along the way? yes. But it is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Maybe they saved up all sorts of money to pull off a DIY type tour. I fully support bands who just drive and play.

Oh you mean like Blackguard? :loco:
no it isnt.

Okay, so it's a good business decision. I'm all ears (or eyes).

If they love playing, it is like a vacation getting to do what you like.

Which is what I said. But in terms of BUSINESS, it's a bad decision. So already, either you're just arguing me for no other reason than to up your postcount, or you can't differentiate business from pleasure.

Will there be low turnouts and other issues along the way? yes.

So then it's a bad business decision. What the hell is your point?

But it is one of the best ways to get your name out there. Maybe they saved up all sorts of money to pull off a DIY type tour. I fully support bands who just drive and play. There isnt a need for a huge light show or backdrops. let the music speak for itself. I wish more bands practiced this philosophy actually. I know if it is a weekend show and in the city I will try to get out there and see them. They have always peeked my interest.

Headlining small DIY tours doesn't get your name out there. How about we sit back and relax and think before we type. Think... O.K. How does playing to the same exact crowd you've commanded from day one, or playing to 10 people per night get your name out there? You know what gets your name out there? What Blackguard is doing -- touring with bigger bands. But I'm not going to even comment on your hypocrisy.

That isn't to say DIY touring is a bad idea. It's a good way to sell merch, show bigger labels that the band has the means and the capacity to tour, and if the band is big enough, maybe even make some money. However, there's a reason why no bands do 50 date tours. Touring costs money. Even at the DIY level, be prepared to spend at LEAST 4-500 bucks per day on the road. How can a small band recoup tens of thousands of dollars? Even bigger bands that actually draw people only do like 20-30 dates or so when they tour, because the goal is to actually recoup costs and make some money. Thus, since playing this many shows with no way to recoup any of the costs back, it's a bad business decision. In 9 times out of 10, this is enough to break a band up. If Mindflow can handle it, props to them. If they want to take the loss and keep going, fuck yeah! But objectively it's bad business. Simple as that.

edit for math fail.
Okay, so it's a good business decision. I'm all ears (or eyes).

Which is what I said. But in terms of BUSINESS, it's a bad decision. So already, either you're just arguing me for no other reason than to up your postcount, or you can't differentiate business from pleasure.

So then it's a bad business decision. What the hell is your point?

Headlining small DIY tours doesn't get your name out there. How about we sit back and relax and think before we type. Think... O.K. How does playing to the same exact crowd you've commanded from day one, or playing to 10 people per night get your name out there? You know what gets your name out there? What Blackguard is doing -- touring with bigger bands. But I'm not going to even comment on your hypocrisy.

That isn't to say DIY touring is a bad idea. It's a good way to sell merch, show bigger labels that the band has the means and the capacity to tour, and if the band is big enough, maybe even make some money. However, there's a reason why no bands do 50 date tours. Touring costs money. Even at the DIY level, be prepared to spend at LEAST 4-500 bucks per week on the road. How can a small band recoup $30,000+ (AT LEAST)? Even bigger bands that actually draw people only do like 20-30 dates or so when they tour, because the goal is to actually recoup costs and make some money. Thus, since playing this many shows with no way to recoup any of the costs back, it's a bad business decision. In 9 times out of 10, this is enough to break a band up. If Mindflow can handle it, props to them. If they want to take the loss and keep going, fuck yeah! But objectively it's bad business. Simple as that.

If they are planning on playing Army Bases like it was mentioned above....they will make some decent money from that. I am sure bases have an entertainment budget like towns who hold local street fest. Bands that play those things make really good money. I am not even trying to argue. I was just being supportive and being positive. As they say....good things happen to good people.
I can think of quite a few bands who have headlined DIY tours who have come back to Atlanta with increased crowds...Parasytic, Razormaze, Vektor, and Fatal come to mind. It works pretty well if you do it right.
I can think of quite a few bands who have headlined DIY tours who have come back to Atlanta with increased crowds...Parasytic, Razormaze, Vektor, and Fatal come to mind. It works pretty well if you do it right.

exactly. I know Deceased does this as well. The key is not to play places to big. Play smaller places where you will get 50 to 70 people there to actually see you. Sell merch at good prices and you will be fine. Dont go and play a club that holds 500 and think you will fill it. Word of mouth is always the best advertising. If you put on solid shows enough people will talk about it and spread the word.
The Atlanta show is on April 29th at Vinyl (the small venue in front of Center Stage, where the CD vendors are located during PP). Void of Reason, a pretty good Atlanta-area band, is the local support, per their FB event invite.

While there's no way Mindflow can be expecting to make any money on a 50-date US tour, I'm sure that's not their intent, nor is it of particular concern to 'em.

Looking forward to the show!
Looking forward to the show!

So are we - hope we can make it!

Shameless plug: if anyone needs any *PPUSA* business cards to pass out at shows, please email me at jen at progpowerusa dot come and I will drop them in the mail for you. Don't feel like striking up conversation? Leave a few on the mirror in the bathroom or on bulletin boards.

The Atlanta show is on April 29th at Vinyl (the small venue in front of Center Stage, where the CD vendors are located during PP). Void of Reason, a pretty good Atlanta-area band, is the local support, per their FB event invite.

reasons for The Su to go? VOR :) w00t!
oh yeah...and um...cuz i dig Mindflow, too :)
If they are planning on playing Army Bases like it was mentioned above....they will make some decent money from that. I am sure bases have an entertainment budget like towns who hold local street fest. Bands that play those things make really good money. I am not even trying to argue. I was just being supportive and being positive. As they say....good things happen to good people.

When the USO sponsors a tour date the band will get travel money from their last show to the USO show at the gov't rate($.41a mi per vehicle) lodging for all band and crew, plus a per diem for each band member and crewmember(anywhere from $50 a day to $100) depending on the city. If it is a MWR show, then it is a pay for play and they get their guarantee, plus and back-end that is in the contract. It used to be that MWR had a tremendous budget for shows like this, but now it is about a tenth of what it used to be, so when they do get a show they have to charge or go belly up. And you are right they do have a built in audience, example: FUEL played Fort Bliss in Sept, Ft Bliss population-45,000 soldiers(not counting family members) attendance at the show- 26,000 at $10 for non-military $5 for military, Free to Wounded Warriors. Of the 26,000, 19,000 were military(one division was in IRAQ so that cut down on military attendees. The show made money, the band made money, the local bands made some money.

There is a good reason for band to hook up with The USO or MWR or United Forces Entertainment, it's called exposure. Once you get your foot in the door, you get on a list of entertainers and maybe asked to do shows overseas. The band ASKA from Dallas has been on USO tours to the Far East(Japan, Korea, and such) 5 times, Europe 4 times, and to Kuwait and IRAQ once. IT pays off in the long run.

Just a little insight into how the USO and MWR works, they are great organizations that really help our
Soldiers, Sailor, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties.
When the USO sponsors a tour date the band will get travel money from their last show to the USO show at the gov't rate($.41a mi per vehicle) lodging for all band and crew, plus a per diem for each band member and crewmember(anywhere from $50 a day to $100) depending on the city. If it is a MWR show, then it is a pay for play and they get their guarantee, plus and back-end that is in the contract. It used to be that MWR had a tremendous budget for shows like this, but now it is about a tenth of what it used to be, so when they do get a show they have to charge or go belly up. And you are right they do have a built in audience, example: FUEL played Fort Bliss in Sept, Ft Bliss population-45,000 soldiers(not counting family members) attendance at the show- 26,000 at $10 for non-military $5 for military, Free to Wounded Warriors. Of the 26,000, 19,000 were military(one division was in IRAQ so that cut down on military attendees. The show made money, the band made money, the local bands made some money.

There is a good reason for band to hook up with The USO or MWR or United Forces Entertainment, it's called exposure. Once you get your foot in the door, you get on a list of entertainers and maybe asked to do shows overseas. The band ASKA from Dallas has been on USO tours to the Far East(Japan, Korea, and such) 5 times, Europe 4 times, and to Kuwait and IRAQ once. IT pays off in the long run.

Just a little insight into how the USO and MWR works, they are great organizations that really help our
Soldiers, Sailor, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties.

thanks for the info. Seriously, this isnt a bad way to go for some bands.
If they are planning on playing Army Bases like it was mentioned above....they will make some decent money from that. I am sure bases have an entertainment budget like towns who hold local street fest. Bands that play those things make really good money. I am not even trying to argue. I was just being supportive and being positive. As they say....good things happen to good people.

Last time I checked, quoting me and saying "no it isn't." is arguing me. Secondly, while I don't know much about how many Army bases they're actually playing and what their rates are for playing those army bases, my point was simply that 50 dates is quite alot, and in most cases, more than enough to break up a band. Nothing wrong with DIY, but only if it makes sense. If it runs the band into massive debt, it's a bad business decision. If however, they do it because they love it or have found away to work though it so they can do that many shows, mega-props to them. However, your somehow deciding to call me out for no real reason, just for the sake of calling me out like some kind of over-energetic Chihuahua was unnecessary.