Soo.... Mindflow is touring the USA....

However, your somehow deciding to call me out for no real reason, just for the sake of calling me out like some kind of over-energetic Chihuahua was unnecessary.

I lol'd. And I think from now on, every time I think of Diabolik, a picture of a Chihuahua will come to mind. That should be his avatar. It'd work better than the cat. :lol:

And before he gets defensive, I am just busting his balls.
They have a new web designer working on a new site as we speak.

Good to hear. Their current site *looks* great, but as far as usability, it's completely form over function... a cleaner, easy to navigate website would be much more useful IMO.

Yea they will be doing around 40 to 50 US dates starting April 1st. Those dates will be announced this week I am told. Special guests will also be announced.

Excellent. It looks like there's going to be a lot of April / May touring... Accept / Sabaton, Symphony X...
I'm a huge dog lover, but goddamn do I hate those things. Maybe it's just because I've had bad experiences with them. Most friends I've had that've had them either wanted to eat me alive or wouldn't shut the f#$% up.

I prefer the bigger breeds. We have two - a pitbull lab who's the most awesome dog ever (11 years old), and a Pomeranian-Poodle mix who's a little devil (8 months old).

The funny story about the Pomapoo is that we went out looking for a Doberman. :lol:
I do know that the tour starts in Seattle and then down the West Coast, then across following I-10, with a little detour after the PHX date, then back on I-10 across.