Soo who are the hottest blondes? (yeah post hot girls thread!!)

I thought she wasn't all that, either.

Belgium is full of supermodel-esque women, so it's quite possible that he wouldn't in all actuality "do her". Body aside, she really did look like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Then tripped over the roots.

It sounds to me like someone got their feelings hurt because they felt like everyone was laughing and pointing at them saying, "HAHA!!! YOU'D FUCK THE UGLY GIRL!!!!", when that wasn't the case.

Who cares, anyway?
you're in the wrong thread... which is strange because the title indicates very clearly what this thread contains.

I'd probably sleep with anyone.

I wouldn't enjoy all of it, but I'm certainly not above sleeping with someone just for the sake of it.