Soo who are the hottest blondes? (yeah post hot girls thread!!)

I've seen worse than that as well, but there's one thing I can't bring myself to watch.

I've seen scat vids, beheadings, torture, whatever the fuck. Hell we all have. But the one thing I can't get the nerve to watch is a video of a guy who got a spider bite on his face, it got infected, he didn't go to the doctor, it got fucking HUGE and full of puss, and he recorded himself popping it/draining it and shit. I just can't fucking do it. I got about 4 seconds in to see this massive boil on his face and turned it off. Irks the shit out of me just thinking about it.
You can sit through the video of the guy chopping off his own penis?

Not easily but yeah I did it.

The spider bite thing, ugh no. I don't have quite what you'd call arachnophobia but spiders irk me. So I guess it's just some subconscious thing or something.
you pricks. i was reading these last few posts and was like, "shit thread" and it's MY AWESOME HOT GIRLS THREAD. haaaaaaaates it.