
Does this thread have a direction or is this just pure internet improv unfolding before our very square eyes?
Alas poor Gorik / Forlorn Hope / Cerulean, why are people dissing him?
Is it that he has pissed people off or is it just that people are seeing someone with issues and they are just being deliberately cruel to wind him up?
i havent a clue whats going on, all i said was he probably wets the bed and all, but c'mon, surely it cant be that
yogidaz said:
Does this thread have a direction or is this just pure internet improv unfolding before our very square eyes?
Alas poor Gorik / Forlorn Hope / Cerulean, why are people dissing him?
Is it that he people off or is it just that people are seeing someone with issues and they arehas pissed just being deliberately cruel to wind him up?
ah it all started when our lad gorik implied that mehdis ma sucked bell ends, so mehdi decided to e-teach him a lesson.

but youd never guess that from this lots reactions :hypno:
ahhhh, that was out of order, he shouldnt of said that, that alwin kunt is always getting the 'mother' remarks in, i fucking hate that shite, only kids do that
Hmmm, yeah. It is often like that. You can take a load of shit but if someone takes the piss out of your mum then thass it, the gloves are off!
And at least if he had have said it to Mehdi's face then Mehdi would have had the chance to punch him and the lad could have taken the punch happy in the knowledge he had learned a valuable life lesson.
But then he did say a big dramatic sorry. So are we all mates again now or what? Can this thread piss off and die now or is it gonna last another two years? No wonder they're all laughing at us over in the Billy Milano forum. Does this kind of music generally attract the more sorrowful oversensitive artgeek? Shouldn't we play more S.O.D. and maybe even some Dark Angel?
I can see now why batman had those little "the story so far" bits at the start
