Sorskogen - Mordet I Grottan

Elohim Meth said:
So similar but I think its real good.Whawhawhattttttt is Lopez drumming?

Damnation is what started my love affair with Opeth. It's one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard. It rivals even Radiohead in terms of mood and emotion. The only bad thing about the album is that sadly, Akerfeldt said it's exclusive and they'll be no more like it.
En sommar en gång
värmen sveper igenom
vi ler skrattande
men ett lömskt lugn infinner sig
någonstans i skogen
grottan där vi lekte som barn
en sargad kropp i evig sömn
berövad livets gryning

Vem var det som mördade honom
Vem var det som tog hans liv
ingen vet, ens idag

kastar mörker över vår idyll
Ett ljus som lyser ömt
ta oss mot bättre dagar
hans själ vandrar vidare
vi går sakta tillbaka
stigen leder oss hem
dagen har lidit mot sitt slut
vi försöker glömma
mordet i grottan

Vem var det som mördade honom
Vem var det som tog hans liv
ingen vet, ens idag
As time wears on, I find myself liking Windowpane more and more. It's got all the leads and backing parts that make a guitarist very happy.

>> yea...those windowpane leads are great. i love the whole damnation tone. my fave leadspot is the first one in 'hope leaves' tho...but in a way they didnt manage to fade out the (natural) noise of the amp....that kinda bugs my when listening with headphones...
"Illnath", finally a real music fan on this site. I'd love to hear Thom Yorke and the boys do a cover of something from Damnation.
bump ^_^

i dont know if this has been asked but i got this from an Interview and i was wondering -
I: Yeah. It is very well done.
M: It's cool. We did it for the hell of it. All of us are huge fans of that kind of music. There's even talk that we should do a full-length, but I'm not sure of that. It's more or less Anders from Katatonia. It's his project. If he's gonna write a couple tracks, I'm gonna put down some vocals for it maybe. We also plan to do a Morbid Angel cover for some kind of tribute album

did they ever get to do this cover?
come on people - excluding masters apprentice (i highly doubt they would put that on a tribute album) does anyone know if they did do a cover (ageless still i am, god of the forsaken, etc)?