Soul Source - just extremely metal


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden

Seriously. These dudes have been around since the inception of Dragonforce, obviously played some gigs with them and got to know them, but then nothing happened. Alright, they were a (somewhat) different band back then, and as far as I know, they've at least changed their singer now, but HOT DAMN TAMALE. I mean, listen to this:

And this:

Now tell me if that's not one of the best damn up-n-coming metal bands you've heard? Ok, the songs are demos, ok you won't like them if you're not into *ahem* "extreme" power metal in the vein of Dragonforce or Cellador, (am I alone in hearing some Lost Horizon in the rhythm work there? That is, if LH ever had rhythm guitars to begin with ...)

I don't know. I love this stuff do death. So epic and over the top you just gotta love it. :popcorn: (for real)

Now spread these songs, spread the word. Their website seems to have been deactivated a couple of years now, so your best bet would be the MySpace site, which is over at

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Those tracks didn't even come across as *ahem* 'extreme power metal' for me and I still found them pretty damn good. :headbang: Great energy, sweet vocal range, nifty guitar work. Their style reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on it hmmmm. Anyway cheers for that man!
Soul Source is a killer band, I've been a fan of them and a friend of Toby since their '02 demo. :)

Did you know before Dave Mackintosh joined up Soul Source's drummer was drumming for DragonForce on their live gigs?

That's how awesomely extreme they are. :D

They've been around before Cellador and do better job at the whole "Extreme Power Metal" than both DragonForce and Cellador combined. :Smokedev:

Btw, they've also got a facebook and reverbnation page as well.

The website is under construction and will be revitalized eventually.
Thanks for the headsup, Shredgirl. Yeah, I knew they had ties with Dragonforce regarding the drummer situation. But these guys surely revamped their sound with the years. The songs I've posted are absolutely killer. Would be great if they would update their website or their MySpace account a little more regularly so you'd know what's up. Would be awesome if they could get a deal and nail these songs in a studio, just imagine the sheer win and awesome that would ensue!
You're welcome. :)

Yeah, they've been trying to work a deal for a while now, I even tried helping them out on my side of the pond spreading the demo around without luck. :(
Hi Metal fans!

I founded this thread searching google on our band.

Wanna let you all know that all Soul Source tracks is to be released digitally within 4-6 weeks. All our tracks from 2002 and 2007 on the same album.
I think on iTunes they will be available within 3-4 weeks.

It's a great joy reading there are still people intrested in our music. Cheers alot guys (and girls).
We have alot of songs to be made if we get a good response on our release we will make it happen. Soul Source has plenty of metal to give!

Again, thanks to each and every one out there!

Tobias Magnusson
Producer / Composer / Lead Guitarist
Soul Source
Will be updated shortly with a brand new website.

Feel free to add on Facebook/Myspace or whatnot.