Soundgarden is back together

Metals getting old, "man". The same albums have been made over and over for the last decade with few exceptions.

But you know who sounds like Soundgarden? No one, that's who. That's because no one is capable of copying that kind of soul.

You know, while I know there are some exceptions to this, overall this is a very valid point. How many blast beats does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop, Mr. Owl?

And it's true about Soundgarden. As much as I love AIC, just about every single American and Canadian mainstream rock band has all but copied lyrics from AIC, whereas NO ONE sounds like Cornell or Soundgarden...not before or since.
I changed it. Felt kinda bad, even though she incessantly breaks my balls and gives me shit.

I'm such a pussy. The drawbacks of being a nice guy....
Cool news. But... Much as I'd enjoy catching them, I suspect Cornell's voice is fairly shot these days.

Audioslave was a disaster in my books.

I'm probably in the minority, then, for thinking they were a pretty good band, as far as that radio rock style or whatever goes.
I changed it. Felt kinda bad, even though she incessantly breaks my balls and gives me shit.

I'm such a pussy. The drawbacks of being a nice guy....

Omg. wtf! That wasnt even directed at you! Shit, you on the rag or something? I just wanted to know the source and did so in a snarky manner since Soundgarden's reunion was always as likely as pigs doing the Hokey Pokey to Meshuggah! Seriously. Dont take shit so personal!
Yeah, he's not gonna be wailing like he used to but I don't care. To be able to see them play on the same stage again would be incredible.
Omg. wtf! That wasnt even directed at you! Shit, you on the rag or something? I just wanted to know the source and did so in a snarky manner since Soundgarden's reunion was always as likely as pigs doing the Hokey Pokey to Meshuggah! Seriously. Dont take shit so personal!

Then don't be so snarky. I didn't take it personally, I just reacted like I normally would to your posts addressing me. Maybe you weren't being a prick this time, but it's what, 1 out of 100 in which you weren't? I apologize for not picking up on the only time you weren't being a prick to me. Also sorry for snapping at you, in any case.

I've tried to be nice to you and it's gotten me nowhere. We can be civil or we can be cunts...but I don't think you want to go down that road. It's up to you.
I didn't find her post snarky at all, anyone could have posted this thread and she would have asked it sarcastically like that. Afterall, there have been reunion rumors for some time that have never come true. Also, it's general courtesy to post news with a link. So there.
Anyway, as for Soundgarden. People are skeptical due to Cornells more recent foolings. I have not heard his latest stuff and i spare myself. I heard it was something of an abomination and since i loved Cornell for many many moons, i did not wanna tarnish that. So on that, i remain Switzerland until i hear a new Soundgarden product. I honestly believe Thayil will be able to keep Cornell from sucking that much. As for his vocals, yeah, they arent what they used to be so im not expecting Badmotorfinger the sequel, but i do expect some asskickery of a high order.
I found it snarky and she has no slack with me after months and months of being a prick to me. Maybe I jumped the gun and I apologized for it.

If she wants to avoid this shit, she can stop being so snarky towards me. I always found it strange because speaking of musical tastes, we have so much in common.

Bah, it doesn't matter. Soundgarden's back together and all is right with the world.
Did you miss the part about Soundgarden being back together? ;)

Did anyone see the recent footage of Cornell joining Pearl Jam on stage for "Hunger Strike"? I thought it would be goat awful, I was sure he would ruin it... But it's actually been the best performance I've heard him doing in years.
Thanks Dead Winter.

I mean, if someone hates my favorite artist Borknagar or even Z-Ro I can understand. Soundgarden isn't even one of my top 50 artist, but they made such genuine music it's like...if you don't like them you're just a cunt. Same with Alice In Chains. (Has nothing to do with legendary status which both bands deserve.)

I love Enslaved for example. Top 10. If someone hates them, I understand! But you just don't do that with a band like this. Even Mexicans and black people understand what I'm talking about with Soundgarden.