Soundtrack to your death.

False Joe

Who cares.
Oct 12, 2007
Sheep fucking land somewhere.
I'm sure I'm not the only one whose listened to Amon Amarth songs and thought of fighting in epic battles and the such sort, but were an apocalyptic, zombieeverywhere/evilness/battle end to the world occur, what song/s would you like playing as you battle against the hordes?

Personally: Versus the World
Followed by Cry of the Blackbird
Followed by ...And Soon the World Will Cease to Be.
Ride for Vengeance, Victorious March, With Oden on Our Side, Sound of Eight Hooves, Cry of Blackbirds and Predicition of Warfare. Runes to my Memory to lose who are lost.
Victorious March. If the battle is longer than the track then it'll just have to be played again haha
Before the battle An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm, during the battle DEATH IN FIRE, Masters Of War or Bleed for Ancient Gods, after the battle Victorious March, Where Death Seems to Dwell or Valhall Awaits Me.
It really depends on the situation. There seems to be a song for each type of battle you can think of. But I think Cry of the Black Birds and Siegreicher Marsch (which I also like better) might fit into most of them.
Who translated it anyway? Siegreicher Marsch/Victorious March I mean. It is just brilliant.
"Down the Slopes of Death"
(what is to be, let it be done!)

And maybe Wulfgar - A Wolf's Tale:
(Don't hate me because it isn't an Amon Amarth Song ;) )
I have to admit I like the German version of Victorious March better. I'd like to see a remastered OSFTGH, personally. Great songs, but the production was kinda muddy.

I like the German version of Victorious March better as well. its heavier.

On the other hand, i like OSFTGH as it is :) and if AA remastered it, it would probably be seen like a commercial attempt... like Dimmu with Stormblast. Same for STTNW. The shittier sound adds a lot to the atmosphere. Makes it more real or something.