Speculation about the new album!

i actually was just tired
How about this?
You are in your sweetest dreams when you suddenly hear a noise and wake up. You slowly open your eyes and look into 20 angry eyes that belong to even angrier faces behind some steelish helmets that are shining in the pale moon light. You grab your sword (that lies under your pillow, of course), and kill one after the other, until they are all dead. After that fight, you get hungry, go to the fridge, get a loaf of bread along with some cheese and an onion, get back to bed, start eating and die because you choked up your meal.

See, I was going for more sexay type thoughts. But ok :lol:
Depends on the cheese.
Gorgonzola? hellz no. But there's nothing more romantic than a bit of Parmesan lovingly sprinkled over the gaping chest wound.
*note to self: Steal that idea for lyrics*
Not if I steal it first!

Thunder strikes from a blood red sky
I suddenly wake up
Eyes glowing like fire in the dark
There is no time to run

The moon appears trough my window
His pale light reveals
Helmets and axes, Madman faces
There's no asking for mercy

I grab my sword that lies on my bed
My last hope to survive
Thunder strikes from a blood red sky
It's time for glory or deaaaath
[Sword Clash]

[Guitar solo]

Blood paints the walls
Corpses cover the soil
A head under my feets
The Gods of War were on my side
In Valhalla shall we meet

[Riff slows down]

Time for reward, I'm tired of fighting
Cheese awaits on the fridge
I take a piece of bread
My stomach they shalt fill

I go to my bed, and start to eat
but suddenly, I loss my breath
There's no honour in this shitty death
In Hel shall we meet
[echo and fade out]

corpse bathed in blood with goat cheese, oh ya...that's the shit right there!
No doubt, if you ever happen to be dead, call me, I'll bring the cheese. (?)
You know, "beave" is just "behave" minus the "h".

Aye, you got me there. I was going for an Austin Powers impression but maybe it was just a Freudian slip....haha..

Yet another reason why i should have put more than 2 nanoseconds of thought into my username when i signed up. I had only planned on making a couple posts to get some music suggestions, yet here i am 100 posts later...

:erk: Suddenly I have the urge to choke myself to death with my own hands..
Not if I steal it first!

Thunder strikes from a blood red sky
I suddenly wake up
Eyes glowing like fire in the dark
There is no time to run

The moon appears trough my window
His pale light reveals
Helmets and axes, Madman faces
There's no asking for mercy

I grab my sword that lies on my bed
My last hope to survive
Thunder strikes from a blood red sky
It's time for glory or deaaaath
[Sword Clash]

[Guitar solo]

Blood paints the walls
Corpses cover the soil
A head under my feets
The Gods of War were on my side
In Valhalla shall we meet

[Riff slows down]

Time for reward, I'm tired of fighting
Cheese awaits on the fridge
I take a piece of bread
My stomach they shalt fill

I go to my bed, and start to eat
but suddenly, I loss my breath
There's no honour in this shitty death
In Hel shall we meet
[echo and fade out]

No doubt, if you ever happen to be dead, call me, I'll bring the cheese. (?)

This shit just made my day! Make sure to retain a copy for me when this one is recorded!!!

:rock: :kickass:
No doubt, if you ever happen to be dead, call me, I'll bring the cheese. (?)

Oh Yes, for I am a all powerful being, that can make phone calls when dead. And! knows your name/phone number.
You all shall bow before my magical powers! :notworthy
(I got this special power from radiation poison, because all of my cell phone useage)
Aye, you got me there. I was going for an Austin Powers impression but maybe it was just a Freudian slip....haha..

Yet another reason why i should have put more than 2 nanoseconds of thought into my username when i signed up. I had only planned on making a couple posts to get some music suggestions, yet here i am 100 posts later...

:erk: Suddenly I have the urge to choke myself to death with my own hands..
Autoerotic asphyxiation ftw!
And you can change your username.

Well, you know what they say. There are those that post alot, and there are those that get laid.
That hurt, seeing as I have more posts than almost everyone else on this subforum...
Well, yeah, technically you should go look at the profile to see the posts per day. I'd say as long as you're under three, you're fine.