
Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I am not a big fan of soundtracks. Probably because of the lack of cohesion. The more classical influenced ones I am probably interested in.

One of my favorites of all time is the Requiem For A Dream Soundtrack. I fucking LOVE that soundtrack. So mesmerizing. The soundtrack makes that movie 1754x better me thinks.

Any other good ones?
Natural Born Killers
Lost Highway
Cat People

All extremely coherent and well thought out soundtracks, because I don't like the average "greatest hits" feeling of most soundtracks either.
"Gummo" had a good soundtrack- Burzum, Bathory, Nifelheim, Absu, Sleep, Bethelhem. Thats the only one I can think of at the moment. Requiem for a Dream was a great movie btw.
Gummo. HA! That movie kicked all kinds of ass. The soundtrack has soom good songs but I would never put a cd on like that for the reason NAD stated above. I guess a base most of my music off of feeling and atmosphere and that just breaks it up.
That's the movie with the satyricon-listening trailertrash, right? I saw the part where he got shot in the dick a while ago. It looked painful.
I'm not big on soundtracks. Some movie scores are nice lke Braveheart and Last of the Mohicans. I also like The Natural, and Hoosiers.

But as far as soundtracks wth songs from 20 different bands, Escape from LA was a good one. Strangeland was OK, too.
I love Preisner's music for the "Three Colours" Kislofski's trilogy. Other than that, movies i think they have perfect soundtracks:
Easy Rider
Brotherhood Of The Wolves
Possibly all Tarantino movies, with the highlight being Kill Bill 1 (the soundtrack highlight eh)
and of course the LOTR trilogy soundtrack
Gummo...fucking hell! I've been meaning to check out that film for so long. One of those things that just floats in the back of your mind, y'know? I heard Varg Vikernes wasn't too happy with his song being used for a glue-sniffing scene...was a long time ago that I read wherever it came from.

As for soundtracks, heheheh...
Tenchi Muyo! - a compilation of various songs from the entire franchise. Pop music at it's best.
Final Fantasy 7 - best soundtrack ever
Final Fantasy 9 - not technically as good as FF7, but the best songs from here are very much more memorable than the FF7 ones

Film soundtracks have never really grabbed me.
How can you not mention FFVI, the BEST VIDEOGAME MUSIC EVARRRRR!?!!??

Okay so I will. Final Fantasy VI music is beautiful, the soundtrack is great.
Silent Hill (the first) was the only game that has ever scared me while playing it... but I was probably 12 years old at the time. I can't recall the actual year it came out.
The second one on the PS2 was arse, and I've never bothered exploring it any further. The first one on the PSX was just godly. I should try to get the soundtrack somehow.
Doomcifer... I just put in that Ancalagon CD you sent me.

... oh my fucking god. OH MY FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. this is BY FAR the best thing you have sent me.
Yea Gummo is a rather odd movie. Its been awhile since ive seen it. I didnt think about video games either- the FFVI soundtrack is damn good, I agree.
Marksveld said:
Doomcifer... I just put in that Ancalagon CD you sent me.

... oh my fucking god. OH MY FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. this is BY FAR the best thing you have sent me.


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