South Park VS Drawn Together

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
South Park. My main qualm with Drawn Together is how poorly parodied the cartoon characters are. I know he's supposed to be like Spongebob, but what the fuck is a sockbat?
okay the sockbat thing is stupid, but is it really any more stupid than a talking square sponge and a bull-dyke squirrell living under water??? also the other Drawn Together characters are done perfectly
I haven't watched television in like 5 years but when I used to, I liked south park ..though it did get old pretty quick.
Seems like Drawn Together is good every other show. South Park may not be what it once was, but it has just waay too much history of making me laugh.
Something worse than both of these shows is that ridiculous new cartoon that's out and dubbed to be "just like South Park, except they're all black and there's five of them." Surely you're all familiar with the cartoon I'm talking about called Bro' Town...
Drawn Together had the potential to be much better than it turned out. The first season makes he second season look really bad. And South Park's latest episodes are HORRIBLE!!!! I'm a fan of Matt Stone and Trey Parker, but their old stuff is comic genious, and the new stuff is :yuk:. If you wanna see some real Matt n' Trey material, go watch "Cannibal: The Musical!!" and tell me that isn't genious. Now, South Park is all Jew jokes disguised as Satire.

In the end.... South Park wins my vote.