South Park

Lillitu said:
hahahaha. Don't worry LoM, it probably won't last long anyway. I just found it very funny today.

Edited to add--the more the merrier here in Seattle. Lots o people skedaddled after the dotcom 'bubble' burst so there is now more room for people at tolerable rent prices. I'll even take transplanted Californians now, Nolordy. Just as long as you don't complain about the clouds and rain. :p
psht. i live in norcal. i already have clouds and rain haha.
what about the brak show and aqua teen hunger force? those two are fucking excellent. actually sealab 2021 is super funny too. the only one on adult swim that sucks is fuckin spaceghost. spaceghost is not funny.
NoLordy Capone said:
Sorry, Lillitu, I hate large cities, so at best I'd live 5 minutes out of town.
Heh. I don't really feel like Seattle is that big of a place. (I knew no one in Seattle when I moved here. I answered and add for a room for rent and started making friends thru them. When I went to get a WA State drivers license, I met a guy. He knew *all* of the people I had met in the last month.) :loco:

There are plenty of 'burbs around here that are very small-townish.

neal said:
psht. i live in norcal. i already have clouds and rain haha.
you thinking of moving here too neal? Well, then at least you'll be familiar with the weather ;)