South Park

Free how? (NL wants to hide from California.)

Yes, Cowboy Bebop is good.

Um, happy banana? No, don't do that while on the board, your keyboard will get all sticky...

Eating bananas, that is.
I didn't quite mean "Hey! let's have an orgy!" hahahah

I meant what are prices like? Too damned expensive here.
Awww... damned uberprices. Well, Washington State is still must then. Hehe, someone tell WD the Jolly Green Giant will live an hour from Seattle within a year.
NoLordy Capone said:
How did ct afford to move with you to Maryland, anyway?
i had a free ride, free housing waiting for me, and i didn't have much to take with me besides clothes and cd's...and yes the birthday money hahaha, so i could afford my own tampons :lol:
so...there ya go...and oh yes...the whoring squids! but thats just a hobby. i don't make any money from it.
Dead_Lioness said:
heyyyy...i kinda like this happy banana... :/
hahahaha. Don't worry LoM, it probably won't last long anyway. I just found it very funny today.

Edited to add--the more the merrier here in Seattle. Lots o people skedaddled after the dotcom 'bubble' burst so there is now more room for people at tolerable rent prices. I'll even take transplanted Californians now, Nolordy. Just as long as you don't complain about the clouds and rain. :p