Space shuttle Columbia....

And there are planes that are 40 years old, and not inspected nearly as often as space shuttles, yet they don't disintegrate in mid-air.
Yeah, but space shuttles are meant to go through the heat/cold stresses, or re-enter the atmosphere at thousands of mph and are designed with all that in mind. What you said is like saying a plane isn't meant to fly.
well what the fuck was your point saying planes dont disintegrate in midair? if my plane/shuttle comparison is wrong than so is yours jackass.
No dumbass, pay attention here. I said that shuttles aren't built like planes. Their job is to go to space. A plane's job is to just fly around. You don't expect a plane to go to space, while a shuttle is built stronger for that reason. Keeping that in mind, you can compare a shuttle and a plane. Columbia was 20 years old. A 747 can be 35 years old. All I said is that although planes can be much older than those shuttles, and are not inspected nearly as much, they can still do their job for many more years without crashing or anything.
Besides, shuttles were meant to do up to 100 missions before getting replaced by newer shuttles. Columbia was on its 28th mission. Age shouldn't be an issue.
You also have to assume that the government didn't cut corners with the contractors they used to make the shuttles. If they cut corners to save money, I'd say that 28 missions would be about right for them to fall apart.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
No dumbass, pay attention here. I said that shuttles aren't built like planes. Their job is to go to space. A plane's job is to just fly around. You don't expect a plane to go to space, while a shuttle is built stronger for that reason. Keeping that in mind, you can compare a shuttle and a plane. Columbia was 20 years old. A 747 can be 35 years old. All I said is that although planes can be much older than those shuttles, and are not inspected nearly as much, they can still do their job for many more years without crashing or anything.
Besides, shuttles were meant to do up to 100 missions before getting replaced by newer shuttles. Columbia was on its 28th mission. Age shouldn't be an issue.
no you didnt say that. all you said is that there's planes that are twice as old that havnt disentigraded yet. that is a vauge statement that can be taken many ways. now you have elaborated and stated what you 'meant' by that original post. i took that post to mean you were saying that if planes dont fall apart, neither should shuttles. you can see why i would think that is a fucking ludacris statment to make. either way, you've now said what you meant, i understand what you're saying, and we both used some big words and tried to sound smart. fuck off.
Wait man...

Originally posted by neal
now you have elaborated and stated what you 'meant' by that original post. i took that post to mean you were saying that if planes dont fall apart, neither should shuttles.

Haha, that's exactly what I mean, can't you see? The shuttle does face harsher flight conditions but it's designed to deal with everything concerning space flight. It's like a stronger built plane man. A plane is designed for atmospheric flight, a shuttle is designed for space flight. If planes don't crash neither should shuttles.
Ha, yeah, that was a great lesson to everyone. See what happens when you overestimate your capabilities.
And when you're too "tough, talented and brave" for your own good.
Oooh, hahaha damn, they said on the news they've found some remains of those astronauts! Hahahaha, can't imagine what that'd look like.
The shuttle program is at about 1 in 52. for every 52 flights, one goes down. And, by the by, you can't really compare what a shuttle does to what a plane does. the stresses on the shuttle are much much more than on a plane, so no matter how well the shuttle was built, it takes more of a beating in one flight than a plane does in a month.
Sorry, I've been busting my nuts working on a program for class all day today and I don't have time coming up with stuff to make you and neal feel embarassed about your passionate homosexual ( not homosexual dumbass Lillitu's not a guy ) relationship.
