Spawns Ozzfest photo thread


Apr 14, 2001

There is NO way Kerry wasnt pissfarting around when he put that hat on for the press conference. He is all back in the USSR old skool. And look, Phil Anselmo looks lucid! It must be a wax dummy. See Zakk looking at the paper Sharon is holding? He is so astounded because he just saw how much money Sharon will make from them all.

Haha, its Jamey Jasta from Hatebreed, GO BACK TO YOUR PAPER ROUTE! I like 2 songs of yours though. But still, you look like the kind of guy all women like. As a friend. A short haired version of me then. But dont worry Jamey, YOU WILL BE HEARD!

Why did he wear his mask to the announcement? Thats stupid, we have all seen his face, the other band members arent there, you arent performing... SILLY. The only person who gets away with it is Halford because he is the metal god even when he is drunk at 5am and throwing up in some bar in a country we have never heard of.

Entirely self serving here. Christina Scabbia is so hot, I wish I could make sweet sweet love to her. She is the Godzilla of beauty and I am Tokyo, whom she has crushed with her divine powers. Dont be a baby lady, just be a lady baby *sigh*

Hmmph curnumrblerosinoblo *hack*
What the hell are you saying Phil? And why do you smell like Ottos jacket?

Zakk pees in the water bottles, providing much merriment for all!

One little push and the old mans done for, HELLO MAIN STAGE!