Spawnys Supergreat Christmas Bonanza! (tm)


Apr 14, 2001
Gather round folks, gifts for all!

Blitzy: You get a big blow up couch with a Simpsons motif and a copy of the original Zelda and a NES to play it on!

Spiffy: You get an evil looking throne from which to launch your plans for world domination. Also a small Tiger to stroke as you decide how best to go about it! Just remember who your friends are, thats all I ask :D

Moony: I got you a recording contract! It was a lot of work, but the guy tells me he might be able to get you into the studio in the early hours of the morning etc. to try and record some demos or something. Just let me know when you can make it and ill set something up. No no, no need to thank me, I really think one day you might have a shot at recording an album now! :)

Goreripper: I bought you a huge slab of steel so that you can hang out with someone who is almost as metal as you are!

Ralphe: I bought you some Bundaberg rum, though im surprised they arent giving it to you for free after all the advertising you have been doing for them!

Salty: I bought you some crayons! NOW you are on your way to being a great artist!

phloggy: I bought you one of those blow up things you punch and they come back up so you can punch them again. (I dressed it up as a woman... Go nuts :D ) I also bought you some commas to give to me when you feel the need!

Mark and Dreamy: I got you a pornographic boardgame! Apparently it needs no dice and you WILL get wet, but you guys can work out all that!

Koichi: Blue Pepsi and its ALL yours!

Kem: I got you a beanbag, a Pepsi AND the rest of the roll of Glad Wrap I have!

Haupassia: I bought you some ice, so that when all those people at parties start fights with you, now you can stop the swelling :D

Hanso: I dont know what to get you, so have this extra copy of Brave New World that I own :)

Troops: I bought you a mesh top and spandex pants! I also bought you a poster of Bret Michaels with no shirt on!

Sydo: I bought you a life size cardboard cutout of Ronnie James Dio, its in the Christmas card I sent you! :)

Dungeon: I bought you creamed corn in a can to eat, this will help you save for your future world dominating tours. Dont forget who helped you along the way either! :mad: :D

Winmar: I got you a special smugglers suitcase so you can make some extra cash on the side when you visit all those countries you seem to be toing and froing from all the time!

Southy: I bought you some shampoo and conditioner to keep your mohawk in tip top condition. I will also add some VO5 hot oil as well!

JonBonJovi: I got you a pink Care Bear with a rainbow on its stomach!

Icarus: I got you an exploding Blackie Lawless style codpiece, dont point it at anyone, least of all poor Kem, its all fun and games until someone loses an eye you know...

Spruce Goose: I organised for Dream Theater to play for 96 hours non stop at your Christmas Party, they said they would probably get up to around their 3rd album, and that seemed ok to me :)

Seventh Son: I got you a prog cd from a band that DOESNT have a member of Dream Theater!

Ironcross: I bought you a pc with an internet connection! :)

Bucko: I dont know what to get you either, so you and Hanso have to fight to the death over the one Brave New World cd to see who gets it! :D

Duellist: Erm.. Oh f**k I dont know, how about a carton of beer?

Aussie Outlaw: I got you a sovereign island to hide on when Spiffy takes over the world!

Coops: I got you a drummer! Oh, you have one, ok, never mind, ill send Dave Lombardo home.

Aces High: I got a band to do a show in Western Australia! When Bette Midler gets there, you tell her how much you appreciate it! Thrash away my friend. Thrash away :D

Wrathy: I got you a copy of Kiss' Greatest Hits! Oh, you have it. Well, Heres a copy of the Kiss Meets The Phantom movie! I think it won an Oscar.

Tinman666 AND Drifter: I got you both a sombrero because you must sleep alot as you ONLY TURNED UP RIGHT AS I POSTED THIS. Typical, everyone LOVES you when you are giving out presents. Ask them to storm a beach for you and what do you get? Nothing :mad: ;)

Anyone I forgot, its your own damn fault for not posting enough, but have a very Merry Christmas! :D
What the hell is V05 hot oil....anyhoo cheers Spawny and along with Gorerippers lessons i shal teach you how to disarm a person and kill them with the arm you rip off and shove up thier arse
Originally posted by spawn
Dungeon: I bought you creamed corn in a can to eat, this will help you save for your future world dominating tours. Dont forget who helped you along the way either! :mad: :D

*sigh* One day I dream of having my very own can of creamed corn to eat all by myself instead of sharing it with the other guys... One day....

LT gets a wistful look in his eyes and dreams of being successful enough to buy his own canned goods...

You should get an endorsement, Lord Timothy! That way you can get free canned food just by using their products on stage and on photo shoots! :)
JOE! Dammit, SEE, I told you people to post more :mad:

Joe Salami: You get this tshirt that says "Number One Dad" to wear so all the chicks will find you irresistable!

Soilworker: You get the shithouse Nile album I own! :D

Coops: I fixed you up when I saw you browsing, go back under the tree and check :)
I just got up, well sort of, I got up a bit earlier and I got dressed and generally woke up, I feel more comfortable making posts on the board when I am clothed and lucid :D

I knew I was going to forget someone... So if you got left out, dont feel bad, I just didnt want to cheapen our relationship by acknowledging it :) (and ill get you something when you remind me :) )
Originally posted by Goreripper
And in return for his generous present of a large steel slab, the Goreripper gives spawn karate lessons, a hand gun and a butcher's hook, so that he never need feel unsafe on trains ever again.

"Today I learned how to rip out a mans heart and show it to him before he dies"

"Oooh that'll learn em!"
Oh and VO5 is this weird oily stuff for your hair, I dont know what it does, but its probably good :)
Originally posted by Moon Child

You really are a god around here aren't you?

"If I catch this fish, ill be a hero!"

"A hero to who?"

"Well, those 3 guys in the bar!"
Originally posted by spawn
JOE! Dammit, SEE, I told you people to post more :mad:

Joe Salami: You get this tshirt that says "Number One Dad" to wear so all the chicks will find you irresistable!

OOOOHHH!! A magic shirt!! Just what I always wanted!!

My present to you spawny, is my promise to post here more in the coming year.
And to track down BusGirl - even if I have to go to the ends of the earth!

...or if she lives in Kiama... :)