Spawns Super Fun Happy Christmas Extravaganza Part 2

*Yawn* Well this has gone on for far too long, and rather than take the hint that I certainly have nothing to say to either of you, you kept at it, and so ill make this post and from now on you two can ignore me and ill ignore you, it will make us all happy.

As im sure everyone here is quite aware, Xena has been making snipey, bitchy comments about most everything I say for longer than quite a while. I ignore it because as im sure is obvious to everyone, I dont want anything to do with her anymore than she wants anything to do with me.
So, knowing full well that had I posted something (no matter what it was) in the christmas list as a joke, she would have taken it the wrong way and gone out of her way to make more disparaging comments. So I left her out and im certainly not bothered at all whether she is offended or not. Nor am I worried whether Goreripper is offended or not, as had I given something to him and not Xena, I have no doubt that would have just led to more insults, either from Goreripper or Xena or both.

Xenas "I was joking and you never say anything when Spawn or Koichi says something bad" excuse holds no water as im sure everyone realised she wasnt joking when she has been making her comments, regardless of what she says as funnily enough, she hasnt done it to anybody else. It was only when Sydo actually said something to her that she said she was kidding also, something I find very hard to believe considering the tone of her posts and im sure im not the only person with that viewpoint. If you dont like me, thats quite fine, but the pointless sniping is getting very tiresome.

Goreipper posting that I was a fuckwit and then deleting it pretty much says it all. You two are welcome to your opinions, but I dont want anything to do with either of you and im quite astonished that Goreripper is supposedly so offended over a stupid internet christmas list that someone he does not like made on an internet message board. Really, you both just saw an opportunity to make some more comments about me being arrogant, call me a few names and pretend to get on a high horse and be offended by being left out when its been more than obvious over the last month or so that your opinion of me is quite, shall we say, low. Which I dont care about at all, but I dont like people pretending otherwise when it suits them, just so they can try to make themselves look offended and try to make out im deliberately trying to incite you, which im not.

All this bullshit started back when Xena was "supposedly" offended by a lesbian joke, yet she has no problem referring to me as a fag and so on, which even if she WAS joking about, im sure you see the irony.

So there you go, you wanted an explanation, and there it is.
big shout of hooray finaly some sort of reply....but it all seems you have the gripe with me!
I have not hated you ever....or thought lowly of you ever...however I have thought some of your comments have been a bit on the pathetic side.
If you cast your memory I actually have paid you a number of compliments since the whole "lesbian" post. I even posted tour dates for DB for your benefit even whilst I was angry with you.
As for Brian calling you a fuckwit and deleting it...he deleted it because he realised it was dumb and pathetic to do it in the 1st place.
I never pretend when I argue a point for more than one yet again you accuse me and percicute me without cause.
I have been making snipey bitchy comments at a few people so don't feel as your the focus of attention...because in no way have you ever been the focus solely. And remember it only happened over about a 2 day period I let vent stupid comments at the poor atempt of humour that was frequenting the board at the time.
However I never just ignore someone when they want an answer to something no matter how I feel about the subject like yourself which what angers myself more.
Trying to bring other people into your arguments every time you start or retaliat is the wimps way out not a noble way at all as you try and portray yourself many a time.
I did once until very recently think you were a good hearted person.
Spawn, I respect your obvious intelligence, your acute observational powers and your acerbic wit, however there are times when you come across as being a particularly arrogant, spiteful human being. Don't bother asking for examples, as there are hundreds scattered across this forum, but perhaps you might keep that in mind the next time you get on your high horse and attempt to ridicule MMM when he posts one of his excited rambles about trying to get laid, or belittle Draven every time he posts. That said, the reason I deleted my remark was because it wasn't appropriate. If you had posted a reply to my requests for an explanation in the first place instead of using Spiff as your mouthpiece, this could have been over and done with days ago. Just for the record, I wasn't particularly offended by being left off your list. I didn't even get a REAL present from my REAL daughter this Christmas, so I could hardly care less about NOT getting a VIRTUAL present from someone I only know as a name on a messageboard. I was annoyed that you were ignoring my reasonable request for an explanation; when I asked for the second time and you chose to left Spiff answer for you by way of a 3 day-old quote, it pissed me off enough to make an abusive remark that I immediately regreted and withdrew. Whether you choose to continue to ignore me or my wife or not, we are all members of this little Net community so we're going to have to cross paths. Now that we've all had our say, let's get over it.
I've been here all this time Koichi and I missed all this drama mate :lol:

I pay no attention to these arguments, then again this is the first or at least the biggest one I have seen in my coupla years here.
