Spawns Super Fun Happy Christmas Extravaganza Part 2

Tinman: I got you a round the world cruise, but then I figured you would probably rather choose your own gift, SO HERES FIFTY DOLLARS!
You fucking little shit! I have been writting out a list myself to put up here and your fucking name was one of the 1st.
We wouldn't appreciate anything you gave us hey! You obviously are one arrogant cunt if you believe we are that fucking heartless you wanker!
Get a spine and a sense of humour as if you have taken everything said here on this forum to heart you are definately one fucking stupid moron.............................."GET A FUCKING LIFE DICKHEAD!" :angry:
JonBonJovi said:
You fucking little shit! I have been writting out a list myself to put up here and your fucking name was one of the 1st.
We wouldn't appreciate anything you gave us hey! You obviously are one arrogant cunt if you believe we are that fucking heartless you wanker!
Get a spine and a sense of humour as if you have taken everything said here on this forum to heart you are definately one fucking stupid moron.............................."GET A FUCKING LIFE DICKHEAD!" :angry:
Oh yeah and for your information Hugh has been working "for" Bon Jovi before Jon got any of the others. He only ever wanted to be employed under his status as a "session Musician". Go look at the 1st Bon Jovi album you will see his name in the credits under "Runaway" and if you have the Power Station Sessions cd he appeared on a number of those tracks. Hugh has only ever wanted to be seen in the light he currently is an employee of the organisation not a member of the band. So before you go slandering bands and their reputations go check your information before you spew shit from your mouth...maybe your ass is where your head should be because you seem to speak a lot of crap!