I was pretty interested In building a guitar cab after i saw a few posts around here about it, and decided i would try and make a plan up, so i went to our practice space opened up my Mesa Oversized (which in my opinion is the best sounding cab made) and took a bunch of measurments and photos. Went home, watched some google sketchup tutorials and then tried to draw it up for anyone who was interested. I fucked up somewhere and some of the measurments are a 16th of an inch off but I think It can get the idea across. Mesa Uses both 5/8" plywood and 3/4" in construction, with 3/4" as the main body and 5/8" the support peices. the Plan isnt perfect as Im not that great with sketchup as you can see with my roundovers, I just cant figuire out how to round over a 3D object on all sides. and the tutorials about rounded cubes blow nuts. Also my handle spots are not accurate, I completely forgot about measuring them while i was out there. Besides all that shit hope it still helps some people.