Speaking of jehovahs witnesses, i have a question.

Sep 3, 2002
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In my apartment complex there is this 8 year old boy, he comes over my apartment all the time and hangs out and i sometmes take him to the beach and stuff.... well his mother is a hardcore jehovahs witness, anyways i taught him how to play hearts the other day and his mother came over and told me that he wasnt allowed to so i said fine i'd respect her. Then he wanted me to teach him a song on the guitar, and i had to tell him no because she already said that he wasnt allowed to play any instruments, while over my house. And i just think thats awful.... he loves music, he seems to have a real intrest in it.... an dmusic is such a big part of my life... i feel awful... He just seems like a really sad child.... he comes to my house because he cant play with anyone in the area, because he cant play baseball or anything with them. Doesnt that seem like child abuse?! or am i having a typical american train of thought and not honoring others beliefs?
I think it is sad that the kid can't be a kid. But what are you gonna do?!?! Not much, his mother is still his mother, and you ain't even related. Ask the Mom if there is any thing musical the kid can play or listen or participate in, in any way. Only if you really want to get involved.
well, she's just being weird. the j.w.'s that i know... a lot of them play instruments and their kingdom hall actually has a band and shit. so she's being weird.
just tell his mom it's Christian guitar!

"no music for you!!"

"But ma!! It's for Christ!! I do it for Jesus!"

"ah, it's ok then.. god bless you."

It's difficult to adjudicate rationally between the perspective of two cultures of differng values without becoming immersed in factual, end all be all, religion wars, if you know what I mean.
I mean, sucks for that kid, but that doesn't mean he should get taken away from the parents or something. It's not abuse so much as it's simply "not as cool a childhood as a lot of other peoples'".
One time in 7th grade, I kissed a girl who was a JW. It was all secret like in the cafeteria after school before our National Jr. Honor Society meeting. She was in 8th grade- older woman. Gave me "French lessons" as she called it. She was a hellion. And she sang in our public school's choir, now that I think of it. Doesn't sound like much of a devout JW to me...
Oh no no.. i didnt mean its abuse in the since he should be taken away from his mother... and im defiantly not stepping in, thats not my place.... i just felt bad for him, and i thought it might be considered ignorant of me to critcize his up bringing..... But i dunno.... if hes really interested in music he'll tell his mom to screw once he's old enough to make decisions for himself. But yeah i have no idea why he cant play instruments, cards or organized sports.... its odd. He's an awesome kid though. I move across town in two weeks, i wont see him as often, i think once he get sout of home schooling he'll find some sort of release threw other kids.
Yeah, I think you're right...kids tend to fix themselves. I mean, sure, they get fucked up a lot, too, but I think the majority can get it together enough to think for themselves when they're older.