Jehovah's witnesses

I don't know about the big bang theory, becuase for as many things that they've come up with to prove it, they've also came up with things to disprove it. Maybe there were some supernatural forces involved.
Yeah, I've gotten that before, but then I just tell them that that makes just as much sense as saying the universe was just here. They usually say, "I'll ask my preacher." Yeah, like he'll know.
The Watchtower Society, which is the organization behind Jehova's Witnesses is extremely corrupt to the point where the religion has become a cult. The organization out of Brooklyn New York has rewritten the Bible and twisted scripture to brianwash people. True Christianity is set apart from every other religion in the world. So, much to the point that it defies some definitions of religion itself. Religion is man's effort to please God based on his works or devoltion. Christianity is not based on works at all. It's about the unconditional love (Agape) of God for us. It's about the acceptance of the Gift of God, Salvation through Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us. We can choose to accept it or reject it. Salvation Through Redemption, Yielding Peace, Encouragement, & Righteousness. What an acronyn, eh?! The gift is there for all to accept up to their dying day. This gift can be accepted by Osama Yo mama, Glen Benton, Bill Clinton, etc. and has been accepted by Jeffery Dahmer and other's whose "sins" have outweighed what most of us will commit in a lifetime, based on the World's standards.

If you read any works by early Creationists, like Henry Morris or Peterson you begin to seriously question the accounts of evolution, which mind you is A THEORY, just like Creationism. Creationism is certainly based on the Bible, but the scientific evidence in support of the theory is overwhelming. It's is hidden by the Public School System because it's no PC. And, the media are obviously biased towards it. of Creationist/Chapter 10.htm#_ftnref5

Read the above link regarding the age of the earth. Pretty interesting.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
One question that no type of Christian can answer: Where did God come from? It'll shut them up every time.

Christians cannot answer your question.
Can you tell me where MATTER and SUBSTANCE come from? How did the Big Bang happened? You can't. So there is no point in arguing with one's belief. Just do what you think it's best.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
I still don't believe in God.

Perhaps one day I'll post my Elbib, which is my take on the Bible. Quite a fun read, but most people will be offended...
You should definatly post the Elbib here,I think most ppl would find it very funny.But you might have to take out those references to some of the ppl in school and whatnot,no one here would get them,except for maybe ct thrash cuz I expalined them to her(to the best of my ability)when I sent her a copy of the Elbib.Still,you should post it here.It may offend Rusted(wherever he is) and those few others,plus the handfull of unregistered people,but they're already offended by what we're saying here,so that won't make much difference.
Kiyardo: That was very interesting reading indeed. Definately something to ponder! I look forward to reading the other chapters, thank you.

The Pimp would like to add somet'ing to this discusion.
Now, I's ain't no Christian lover, in facts, The Pimp used to kick the utter shit out of JWs and Mormons on sight when I's was angry & mentally distrubed teenager (& I's mean disturbed ), but to original topic posted by Dreaming Neon Darkspot 'bout the Flood in the Bible. And as I's is currenting studying the topic of Religion at university (so I's can get more ammo against it) The Pimp would like to point out a few things.
As ya'll probably know, the Christians have nothing to do with the Flood, nor does the Devil (who only appears in a mistranslation in the New Testaments from the Greek word 'adversary' which Jesus calls all those who disagree with him). The story of the Flood comes from the ancient Hebrews and the original story was found in the Book Of Enoch.
In Enoch, angels supposedly came to each & somehow mated with humans (somehow 'cause angels are supposedly, much like Christians, completely sexless) and bred a race of giants upon the world. So the God of the Isrealites, Yahwe, sent a flood to destroy them all but spared Noah and a few hundred other humans (not just his family as the Christians say).
Now, ya'll might be thinking that this has shit to do with shit! And The Pimp would be agreeing with ya'll, except that The Pimp has just given ya'll a new weapon to use against the Bible bashing, self-rightious, soul-soliciting pig-fuckers (anyone else seen Orgasmo?).
But if ya'll want the best way to fuck with a Christian, do ask them where God comes from, 'casue those fuckers know how to argue the arsehole out of that one. Bujt instead say to them "If the Bible is the Word of God, why does he need a publishing company? ". Generally they can't answer this, but sometimes ya'll migt get one who says "so He can spread His Word to all people" to which ya'll should reply: "Well, why doesn't He just spread it Himself like He used to" and then slam the door in their face.
The Pimp hope that this has been an education for all.
The Pimp NeonBlack:headbang: :devil: :wave:

If ya'll really, really want to get rid of Christians from your door, just answer it wearing the Marduk "Hey, Christian, FUCK YOU!" shirt. Or chase them down the street yelling and threating to kill them. That always worked for my father.
i can't stand hostility towards people because of their religion, or lack of one....people need to be more laid back and just respect another's decision....whether they worship their toaster or buddha...i don't give a fuck

i give everyone their 5 minutes, and then i tell em to hit the road....i figure the least i can do is hear them out.....not like i'll be swayed by what they have to say anyhow.......

but to the "repeat offenders".....the ones who JUST DON'T GET IT.....i usually whip out some verbal abuse....
The Jehovah's witnesses know my mom by name... they're coming back next week. :lol: I'm going to fucking give them a piece of my mind. They keep randomly showing up in some white car, all dressed up, and they ring the doorbell, and I think it's something important, but noooooo... Assholes. They were telling us that my chronic illnesses are an example of how the world is coming to an end. Riiiiiight.