Jehovah's witnesses

Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
The Jehovah's witnesses know my mom by name... they're coming back next week. :lol: I'm going to fucking give them a piece of my mind. They keep randomly showing up in some white car, all dressed up, and they ring the doorbell, and I think it's something important, but noooooo... Assholes. They were telling us that my chronic illnesses are an example of how the world is coming to an end. Riiiiiight.
Okay,so,the Jehovah's tell your mother that YOUR chronic diseases are a sign that the world is coming to an end.Does she actually take that shit from them?That is just rude and ignorant.
I'm going to make a shirt that says something like "SODOMIZE ME" and wear that when I amswer the door the next time those fuckheads come to my house.And then I'll wear it to a church.
because where does it stop? everything is just much cooler if people would leave each other alone. gay? so what. christian? so what. satanist? who cares. after all this is the first place where the whining commences when someone criticizes their dress or music or outlook on life, right?
Originally posted by bloodquencher
abusing people who come into your territory is your right. going into their territory just to do something stupid makes you an asshole. if you can't tell the difference maybe there is something dumb about teenagers.
I never said I was going into anyone else's territory to do anything stupid,like the Jehovahs do.They've been making these futile attempts at getting ppl to convert to their religions for however long of a time,yet they still go at it.The "SODOMIZE ME" and whatever other greetings that I have for them the next time they fucking come to my house will just be used to show them that they REALLY shouldn't come back.And the stuff they tell Amos about her diseases is just rude and uncalled for,I think.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
And then I'll wear it to a church.
I think this is what he/she is talking about. I realize what you're saying about the disease thing, personally, like I said somewhere, I just avoid the whole issue because 1)I don't want to talk to people I don't know, 2) I'd rather be left alone, and 3) I'm an antisocial fuck and don't want to waste time.
I think when he said going into their territory, he was referring to what you said about going to church wearing that "SODOMIZE ME" (mmm...) shirt.

Originally posted by Guerrilla
I think when he said going into their territory, he was referring to what you said about going to church wearing that "SODOMIZE ME" (mmm...) shirt.

Yeah,but that was gonna be a whole different thing.I just thought it up today when I was listening to "Prison Sex"by Tool,that one lyric,"Release in sodomy".I just mentioned it because it seemed to relate to what's being said here(and on the guerrilla thread,too)If I was wear that shirt into a church,it would be just to get a rise out of people,as is most everything else I do.Like with the whole Jehoavh's wintess thing.When ppl first see me,they don't assume that I have much to say.Wehter it's my age(as the ongoing argument is here)or wether I just have that kind of look about me.But I try to prove them wrong,especially when it's a topic that I do have a lot to say about-like religion.I just try to let ppl know that I think differently than what they believe I do.And if I shock them,that's pretty good,too.