Okay,so,the Jehovah's tell your mother that YOUR chronic diseases are a sign that the world is coming to an end.Does she actually take that shit from them?That is just rude and ignorant.Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
The Jehovah's witnesses know my mom by name... they're coming back next week.I'm going to fucking give them a piece of my mind. They keep randomly showing up in some white car, all dressed up, and they ring the doorbell, and I think it's something important, but noooooo... Assholes. They were telling us that my chronic illnesses are an example of how the world is coming to an end. Riiiiiight.
I'm going to make a shirt that says something like "SODOMIZE ME" and wear that when I amswer the door the next time those fuckheads come to my house.And then I'll wear it to a church.