Speaking of snare bottoms...

I don't feel this belonged in the "how to treat top/bottom snare"

For you guys that do programmed drums, or even just really heavy gating of the snare. You can throw a little "real" feel in by placing a small speaker, or lets say a set of headphones on top of a snare drum. Set a mic on the bottom head, play back your drum tracks and record the reaction to the playback. I recommend a low playback level. But, once you capture this and mix it to taste. It could add some liveliness to the drum sound.

If that is what your looking for ;P

Has anyone tried this?
Yeah, you can reamp snare : there was an article in Tape Op about that.
You need a gated mult of the snare, to just have an very short & fast attack that you send to an amp (like a guitar amp), you put the snare drum on the amp, and you mic this to taste and blend it in the mix !