Spears doesn't deny having sex with Ritledge

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I read both "articles" trying to find something important or newsworthy.

I failed.
Edgecrusher said:
when in the HELL is she going to pose for Playboy?

...now let's see how many posts we can get in this bad boy before it is closed!

why would it be closed? It's music related.
Who the fuck cares? She's an air-headed, talentless, trendy whore that has never had an original thought occur in her tiny little pea sized mind. She bounces around like a primate and blurts out the garbage she's been programmed with.
I have no desire to read about her nor see her in any form of medium clothed or otherwise. Same goes for all the rest of these plastic twats that the moronic masses seem to worship, i.e.: Paris Hilton, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Christina Aguilera, ect.....blah blah balh.
I wouldn't fuck any of their disease ridden carcasses if you paid me to.

I can't stand those bitches you mentioned, but if any came up to me and said "here's a hundred dollars, now fuck me stupid" I'd totally go for it.
hunglikehorse said:
You've obviously never heard New Found Glory's version of hit me baby one more time

i hope your being sarcastic... :yuk: new found glory is pussy pop rock they couldnt be less involved with metal.

why would we want to hear about her life any way? its not like we don't get bombarded with this stuff every fucking day already.
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