Special CD/DVD realease...


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Picked up a copy of the "guitartalk" CD/DVD. Granted it isn't Sun Caged but... Great CD!!! But I have to ask the... "Ok now I am warmed up!" part WTH? I laughed my ass off! Or do you warm up in five seconds? :ill: (I know it has to be a joke!) So Marcel, when is the next one due?

Oh and make that a cd/dvd release too!

Cheers! :grin: Moth..
You seen "Born to Shred 2"? Two finish guys funny as HELL! Maybe something to inspire you perhaps? I think one of the guys posts here too fat mr crab or mr crab or something! He is "teh" celebrity guy! Finish guitarist are on the go nowdays! I look forward to your next project! Let me know I will want to get one "signed" by the overlord himself!

6 words on the vcd video, Independence Day was heavy as fuk.

BTW- that video was the coolest, because Marcel showed his gear, and didn't bullshit about what he uses, plus the playing was fantastic, and the part right before the song rebel is classic.