Special Delivery from Europe: my black Xmas tree

Hmm. There has to be somewhere in the US that sells them. I have one friend who has one. Yours rules. Where/how did you get yours? I'm interested.

I really need to get off my ass and get a tree. I usually get a 3-4' er cause my place is small and I have tons of crap.
you should wait until like a week before xmas or even a bit later than that. my family bought a tree maybe...3 weeks before christmas. it rotted it or some shit like that within a week and a half even thoug hwe took good care of it.
Hmm. There has to be somewhere in the US that sells them. I have one friend who has one. Yours rules. Where/how did you get yours? I'm interested.

I really need to get off my ass and get a tree. I usually get a 3-4' er cause my place is small and I have tons of crap.

Well, trust me, I actually investigated it all around.
I even went to Nordstrom and asked if I can specially order them (since they make custom made trees) but no black tree to be found.
The only place that sold them was a European company that during the holidays did shipping tothe US.
oh well. At least I got one, me like it a lot!

nice to see you on the board again, btw ;)