Special Delivery from Europe: my black Xmas tree

Dark, 75%ish. But I'll take milk chocolate too. I have to watch myself with candy or I'll destroy it.
I'm actually not religious at all (my friends call me a bad jew)
therefore: I only care about holidays because its another excuse to meet family and friends you dont get to see too often.

For many years now, people have given me/ or I collected/ Xmas ornaments from all over the world. Every year they sit in a box in the attic, and every year I promise myself I'll use them some day...
This year I decided to get a tree: but never a "regular" tree.... It had to be black!
So I got one, and I love it.
Xmas tree are pagan anyways.
I like holidays, you always end up eating great, stay up late, and bond with your family.

I agree that some people take the christmas decorations to some extreme...
the line between tacky and kitch and classy is very thin...

back to Hannuka: yes: $$$!
My family is a bit too dysfunctional for me to enjoy their presence much. I'd rather spend the time with friends.