Special King Diamond in NM


I hate wiener dogs. Dreadful creatures.
Mar 3, 2004
Tulsa, Ok
Well ive been waiting for this night for months and it was amazing but..... Nile Cancelled , they were sick, so everyone else played longer. HELL YEAH SINCE NILE WAS THE ONE BAND I WASNT ALL THRILLED ABOUT SEEING.

Behemoth came on and slayed Conquer All, Slaves Shall Serve, Demigod ( in full costume) were amazing , they played some old shit off of their original demos as well. I know that only because he said so :tickled: anyway not Nergal but the other guitar player head banged like no one I had ever seen in my life. He went apeshit.The drummer too which was something I had never seen before. THe drummer was head banging almost as fast as the guitar player. After there set they walked up to the bar and I had them sign a piece of paper I found. They were really cool guys.

Then came BDM who played several new songs. Their lead singer pulled off his shirt to reveal a tattoo on his stomach that said HEARTBURN, I laughed, my gf thought it was stupid. They were so energetic it was sick. They were also really cool when i meet them.

While wating for the King I wandered up and bought an ABIGAIL shirt which I will wear all the time.

Now for KING :
Gates in tact and actress they performed 4 songs off of ABIGAIL, then took a minute breaka nd went into Sleepless Nights then right into COME TO THE SABBATH !!!!!! Then Welcome Home off of THEM, then a song off of EYE OF THE WITCH then finished with two tunes from the puppet master, all with hot chick actress girl in tow. Oh and the blonde chick singing back up was hot too. Then came the first ONCORE of HALLOWEEN which rocked ass with an extened solo and introductions to all the members seeing Hal Patino was cool since he was on THEM. Mike Wead on guitar from Mercyful Fate was cool. Matt Thompson was on drums who has been with King since I think Voodoo. And of Course Andy who sounded perfect all night. SECOND ONCORE was a Mercyful Fate song I didnt know but kicked major ass and was at least 5 to 6 minutes long with a grand finale guitar noodling and drum solo at the end. King left and went out the back early while the band played away. All came out and bowed and then i left.

King sounded phenominal and all the Abigail songs I screamed by heart. every band was amazing. Kings theatrics were great. Dancing chicks and actress girl was awesome and when she slammed the baby down during Abigail the guys behind me were like YEAH KILL IT. It was funny and sick all at hte same time. SOund was perfect. King drank from a goblet and threw it backwards only to have it hit like a baseball right back at him by Matt using a drumstick. It came back and hit King in the back and broke. It was cool. The gate was a hindrance at first during Abigail but i got use to it fast because I had great seats and could see everything. Some jackasses kept throwing things at King and he caught a couple of them. I wanted to kill those guys.

Wolftribe said:
Behemoth's other demos? dont you mean their other albums

Yeah but he introduced a few songs as being off of their earliest demo. He said demo. Of course it was really hard understanding him , at one point he talked for like a minute and the only word i could understand was POLAND. :tickled: When he was silent people just started yelling because I dont think anyone understood him. He mightve called us all a bunch of worthless pieces of shit and no one couldve telled. He was so loud. It rocked ass.
I shot some photos at the LA show: http://music.yahoo.com/ar-253353-photos--King-Diamond



Enemy242 said:
King diamond rules sooo much. Nice review, a lot better than mine, how much extra time did each band get?

I think behemoth and King got an extra 7 and a half minutes and King got 15 because he played the extra oncore and two Mercyful fate songs instead of the one I had been reading about. I think Im not quite sure. On a side note somebody ripped off Kings merchandise guy and he was pissed all to fucking hell. Someone made off with like 5 shirts. King talked a little more and really worked the audience in between songs and gave a little more story about each song, I enjoyed the extra time immensely. I wanted to see Nile the least ( I still wanted to see them though) so i was prety happy with behemoth and BDM being able to play and extra song. Behemoth started right like to the second on time.
Hmmm...I'm going to that show on Tuesday and I want to see Nile the MOST. So I hope they're not still sick by then...I'd be pissed if I paid all that money for KD, and missed Nile. KD is good, but I don't have any of his stuff and if Nile wasn't going to be there, I wouldn't be paying 30 bucks to see him.

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