Specific Opeth online shop. Anyone remember???


New Metal Member
Jun 14, 2008
Opeth's site used to have links (which disappeared).
One of those links was to a very good shop, which sold Opeth merchandise.
The links aren't there anymore.
I don't like O-Merch (not my sizes at all, they're all 'mens' and too big) and when I googled Metal Clothes online shops, I didn't like them either.
Does anyone remember that link they used to have?
Or maybe, can anyone locate the links page on Opeth's site? Maybe I'm just blind and can't see it

I would sooooooooooo appreaciate it
Has anyone ordered off O-Merch yet? I ordered a t-shirt two weeks ago, they've taken the money but haven't posted it. I'm getting a bit annoyed now.
I cant seem to find any plus size opeth shirts. Do they not like fat people as fans or something? lol
Not possible. That's the opposite of my problem.
Well, it's no longer a problem for me, though I have to settle for medium, since there's no damn small.
The first link which was given up above includes 'large' and 'extra large' merch.

Naww well

Noone likes our sizes
Too small, fat. Jeez pedantic shops :(
I need to get some kind of Blackwater Park long sleeve, because the one I bought on that tour has faded a little, and I don't want to wear it to concerts much more.
I need to get some kind of Blackwater Park long sleeve, because the one I bought on that tour has faded a little, and I don't want to wear it to concerts much more.

That Ramatazaasomehting link has one.
Top is 15th from the bottom
Yeah, but the last time I bought something from them, they sent me a fucking girls shirt. It has those flared long sleeves(Still Life-long sleeve)so I gave it to an ex-girlfriend. What I REALLY want, is a MAYH long sleeve. Obviously, they didn't tour in the US for that album.
they sent me a fucking girls shirt
I better not get a man one

I s'pose you could always get a MAYH from one of those shops, which print whatever the hell you want on a shirt.
I know it ain't the same, but if there's no other way
Yeah, true....Until Still Life, there wasn't too much Opeth clothing for purchase floating around. It did exist, but in limited numbers, or not much stocked, or sold out. I usually get a tour shirt every tour, but the last 2 of the 9 I've seen them, kind of been broke.
so... anyone gotten their merch? i tried mailing loudclothing.com, but i got this back:
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

(ultimately generated from bands@loudclothing.com)
retry timeout exceeded

I still want a t-shirt of the first 3 albums, then I'll have one of each. They appear every now and then on ebay but always in XL or XXL or even bigger. Hopefully they do official prints of an M or at least a L as I'm not a giant.
Something tells me that this year, some company, maybe Roadrunner, will make the early shirts available again. Just because of the fact that Opeth are doing their best ever, in sales. Some company, I feel, will jump on this opportunity.