Spectrasonics Trilian Bass


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
Has anyone been using Spectrasonics Trilian Bass? I know there was a post recently on this but I can't find it and I can't figure out how you search these forums.

Anyway if you've been using Trilian I'd love to know what you think. Is it as good as the hype? Maybe someone could post a metal demo for us to hear?

I've used Trilogy on a project before and wasn't that impressed. What I'm really after is a good DI sound that I can re-amp.
I ran a search and only a couple of things came up from a while back. I'm interested to see what others think of it too. From the demo videos I've seen I think I may just in fact shell out for it. Whether I like it or not, for a guitarist like myself, this will probably sound better and be cheaper than any other option that I have right now.
egan: haha, I do have a rather good Esh bass. I just can't be assed to play anything anymore these days. And I will use it more for pop/electro :)
Totally, and I know your style and why this would be a useful product for you which is why I did the italics on "rock/metal."
My post was more aimed at the OP who seems to just want bass on metal songs at which point IMO programming the midi is a bigger PITA than just playing the damn thing.
I would buy an actual bass.
You haven't heard me play bass! lol

Seriously though, I do have a bass and in the past I've always used it for recording. Recently I spent days tracking the bass for a song and in the end it still sucked. I'm hoping a good VI bass will yield better results. Plus you can changes sounds easily.
This plugin is incredible. Hands down the best bass vst on the market right now.
It even has a hardcore rock sampled bass where the strings rattle and it sounds real ronchy. Perfect for metal!
I have it and it's great for me. No clips yet but the new ENDITOL album will be using it for all the bass and a bunch of the synths as well. Personally I hate playing bass so I prefer to program it for my own stuff. It also includes a ton of killer synth patches, a Chapman, acoustic, full FX suite etc. :kickass:
i just turned the amp simulation off in trilian, along with the compression.
Set the pickup level to peak at about -3
Then i ran it through ampeg svx with the classic model and the 421 mic on the 4x10 cab
Wow, I'm impressed with the programming, ShredderForHire.

How much keyswitching do you have going on to get it to sound natural?

I was going to pick up Trilian pretty much just for the synth basses, but now that I found out how useful it is for rock/metal, all the better. :D