Speculation about the new album!


Sep 7, 2007
Let the guessing begin. Any predictions welcome.

Okay, let's see....
12 tracks
3 about battles
3 about mythology
1 about an unusual topic (Viking serial killers, marching, that sort of thing)
2 about the end of the world (although Versus the World had 4)
2 about revenge/revenge+battle
And part 2 of Loke's Treachery

More guitar solos
More crunchy riffs as opposed to 16th-note melodies
More of those kickass brutal vocals seen on Asator

4 fast, 3 slow, 3 midtempo, 2 kinda fast
There will be 7 songs between 3 and five minutes long, 2 between 2 and three minutes, one epic in the 7-9 minute range, and 2 in the 5 to 7 range

And of course the really obvious predictions:
There will be...double bass!
There will be...gutteral vocals!
There will be...vikings involved!
There will be...much awesomeness!
12 tracks? hmmm...
AA albums never had over 9 tracks yet... and I don't think they'll put any more for the new album.. the ideas for more songs they'll certainly have will surely be kept for the next 2 albums... don't forget they signed a record deal for 3 new albums.. the coming album will not have 12 tracks man ;)

I'd say 9 tracks..
Pretty sure Loki's treachery part 2 will be there too.
And they're probably gonna put in a song about some historical battle or fact like they did last time.
Musically I think it will more or less follow in the line of the last 2 CDs.
With the new record deal they could nonetheless try something new... like an intro/outro track, or an "intermediate" track (couldn't find the appropriate word but I used to know it lol). But its probably not their style. I personnally don't really like intro tracks when I listen to an album as they're often just mediocre.. I usually skip them.

Sorry, i'm not very inspired as of yet. I sure hope AA are though ;)
Ok, these are my predictions:

-There will be 27 tracks
-The Style will change a bit, less soloes, a slower battery and some techno effects and keyboards will be added
-Johan will shave and sing some clean metalcore parts
-Also, they'll kick Ted from the band, and will add a dj and a female rap singer
-The topic will change, no more vikings, from now on, lyrics will speak only about the wars between nazi robots and ninja dinosaurs.

Ok, these are my predictions:

-There will be 27 tracks
-The Style will change a bit, less soloes, a slower battery and some techno effects and keyboards will be added
-Johan will shave and sing some clean metalcore parts
-Also, they'll kick Ted from the band, and will add a dj and a female rap singer
-The topic will change, no more vikings, from now on, lyrics will speak only about the wars between nazi robots and ninja dinosaurs.


Ok, these are my predictions:

-There will be 27 tracks
-The Style will change a bit, less soloes, a slower battery and some techno effects and keyboards will be added
-Johan will shave and sing some clean metalcore parts
-Also, they'll kick Ted from the band, and will add a dj and a female rap singer
-The topic will change, no more vikings, from now on, lyrics will speak only about the wars between nazi robots and ninja dinosaurs.

More like it.
No Johan will learn how to style his beard...

Ok, these are my predictions:

-There will be 27 tracks
-The Style will change a bit, less soloes, a slower battery and some techno effects and keyboards will be added
-Johan will shave and sing some clean metalcore parts
-Also, they'll kick Ted from the band, and will add a dj and a female rap singer
-The topic will change, no more vikings, from now on, lyrics will speak only about the wars between nazi robots and ninja dinosaurs.


I think it would be more appropriate if the lyrics would be about how much it sucks to be a teenager. Or about getting dumped for the first time. :lol:
Oops, I forgot, of course they will speek about that, it's hard to understand a teenage goth dinosaur feelings, but AA will do it and write it in their lyrics, to make them know they aren't alone in this dark world of depression were the evil Saurotron wants to make 'em commit suicide.
Teenage goth ninja dinosaurs, I think we are on to something brilliant! Maybe Johan will catch this thread haha.
I don't think anyone can really make a prediction... It's not like they set out to write a certain amount of songs in each category...

But, as all bands mellow over time (which is not necessarily a bad thing) I gues we can expect something melodic, but definitely Death Metal.

Aurvandils tá;7037418 said:
No Johan will learn how to style his beard...


Wasn't that from the world beard championships or something? :lol:
The lyrics for the 7th and 9th track will be written by Johan's beard
The 5th track will be accoustic (grandpa's guitars)
The first track will be completely in Suomi because Fins and Swedes are such great buddies.