Spellbound by Terria

Strapping Young Lad

New Metal Member
Jul 18, 2002
Deep forrests of Sweden
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yup, i am... its like taking drugs or something to listen to that fucking amazing album. Youre in another dimension. And heres the best part... its the only album by Devy i have. And i will be getting the rest very very soon... And i guess my experience will be similar, ive heard a couple of songs, and they were in the same standard as most Terria songs. Do they have the same incredible flow also? THANKS DEVY FOR MAKING MY MILLENIUM... hehe.
I agree, Teria is an amazing album. Be warned if you plan on buying Physicist, it is nothing like Terria and is extremely heavy. Not that thats a bad thing. :)
Every album is utterly amazing, and the best part is, each is so unique! Nothing rehashed at all...a completely different approach on each album.

I hope you enjoy Infinity as much as I do....it's his best album in my opinion! :D

Ocean Machine, Physicist and his SYL stuff are all fantastic as well. Buy them all!!

get them all.. in no particular order.. but.. if u want an order


ocean machine
Live bootleg.. (oops.. this is sold out.. b00f) i have it.. *snicker


Heavy as a really heavy thing
live in australia
City demos
rexhavx , the interesting thing is that if i had to give an order myself , i would give the exact same as you did. as it been mentioned all of devy albums are very different (even the 1st SYL and the 2nd , even tough its in the same line of sound) without forgetting to reapeat that all of those project bath in an non-contestable genius compisition. no just noticed that i would invert terria and physicist on my list but its a matter of opinion of course even tough some crticised physicist badly and to be a mix of all he already did , id say its not true physycist even along the infinity , ocean machine and SYL influences it has a unique atmospheric sound : the keyboards on that album sounds like nothing else.
yeah.. i have terria in front because it is just a bit more accesable.. then again..too really go with accessable it would read

ocean machine

I also am blown away by the physicist disc.. really is one of my favs.. told dev to his face at the galaxy show.. he has his reservations about it however.. heh.
Terria was my first Devin album. It blew me away upon hearing it. Honestly I was moved in a way i was never moved by music before. The sound is just so full and otherworldly. I seriously felt like i entered into another time and place for that hour or so it was spinning...

I now own pretty much everything he's done and got a ticket to go see him at progpower. Cant wait.