Spending too much money??


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
I was looking at my CD collection and i was shocked at how much Metal i've been buying!! All the money i spent is ludicrous, considering it was over 2 years! Do you guys ever feel you're speding too much?? I mean i have a job and everything and i make good money, but when the credit card bill comes, i almost laugh at how much i give to The End and little metal stores around Chicago!
Hmm... I only have about 20 or so CDs, so I can't say I spend a lot. I have been thinking of getting more David Gray CDs, but that will come out to only about $33... for now.

I actually feel guilty whenever I spend a lot of money on anything, especially when later I find out the stuff I bought is on sale and less expensive at another store. I hate that. I want so much stuff, but would feel bad about spending all that money...
spend about 50-100 each month on music cds, 100-200 on clothing & 60 on cellphone bills... that a pain in the butt if you ask me...

- red_beef
I love spending money and buying CD's is an awesome way of doing just that. It doesn't matter that I'm a student with no income to speak of (except during summer, like now: I'm sitting in an office at the very moment).
If I hadn't discovered good music some 4 years ago my book collection would probably have rivalled the local library by now.

So in conclusion; yes, I spend too much money but I'm perfectly happy with it.
I spend almost all my money on CD's. I should buy something else, like clothes (I've only got few) but somehow I always find some new music which I HAVE to get. Oh well.
I bought 36 cds and 3 dvds this week. Plus a receiver and speakers, and a portable mp3cd-player.

And yes, that made me wonder if I am sane.
hm as a guy who also spend most of his money on discs and things like that I have this urging need to talk about my problems with this addiction
I buy about 3-4 cdss every month(depends on which bands releases good albums)
but I dont hink its too much when I see what others in my age waste money for their fucking stupid car,ugly clothes or just boring discothecs with r&b,hip hop or techno ahhh what a waste of money
and cds are for a lifetime
and at saturday im gonna buy new ones:)
I love buying CDs. Even though i have a CD burner and can download songs off the internet, I still buy about one CD a week. I want to have a HUGE CD collection in a few years.
Hmmm i don't spend _that_ much money on cds. I overdid it lately cause i _had_ to finish my DT collection, but that's the regular money i get anyway, i didn't spend any extras. My plan is to stop buying cds a bit, unless i find something i _must_ have (which with me is not so often...) and save the money for later :)
I buy 4 records every month (in avarage) and I just love ordering cds:) The local record store closed a couple of months ago so now I do all my cd-shopping online...
Here is this months four cds:

Nick Drake-Pink moon
Led Zeppelin-Houses of the holy
Katatonia-discuraged ones
The crown-Crowned in terror
I am a student too so i am broke but when i get my extra grant money i am going to buy around 10 to 15 cd. I get extra grant money every semester so by this time next year i will have around 30 new cds from grants and maybe 20 more from gifts and extra cash. What i do is tell my friends and family that i want cds for gifts so i end up saving money :headbang:
I get usually about 5-6 cd's a month, sometimes more. I dont mind spending the money because it's not wasting it, but my parents get pissed off that i'm spending so much... and my amazon.com wishlist which is what i use to keep track of what i want, keeps getting bigger, never smaller. And I try to buy as many used CDs as I can find if they're a good amount cheaper (If it's only 2 dollars less i might as well get it new anyway).
hrm...i never really bought cds until this february....since then i've bought at least 20 cds...... i more than doubled my cd collection..... but then.....thats when i started working..... and going to school for free is a good thing too :D....oh...and i just bought another 3 today :p

~Kovenant (just asking for a beating)