Spider babies...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I live in a basement... I tend to get spiders often... big ones.

But tonight... about an hour ago, a large spider was above my dresser... I saw it, looked at it, and then... it let loose many babies from its sack all of sudden. I freaked out, got cans of every kinda spray i could and started spraying the fuck outta these motherfuckers with everything...

Raid, compressed air, spray paint, wood cleaner... EVERYTHING...

Victory was achieved, but at a cost as there are dead spiders everywhere in my room.

I now feel afraid to even be in here in fear of more... not to mention the hyperventalating that went on after said battle.
Ewww ewww ewww.

I found a few black widows outside of my house and bought the industrial strength spider spray that kills scorpions. Dude you should just move.

Eww eww eww.
Kvlt Wench said:
And I comforted you when you were trembling in fear.



Wasn't the story much more sick when it was being said by a hyperventilating guy over the phone? haha.

And yes, I got bored and returned to my room isabel, even though i vowed not to. Such a sucker for the computer I am.

But now I'm bored again, and scared of this room...
Live among the spiders. They only want your precious body for crawling grounds.
I'm pretty sure the high level of toxins I unleashed upon this room is preventing any of them from living. The mother fell off the roof, she was bigger then hell.
Mommy is in the toilet...

Babies remain lying in masses on my floor and in drawers since the vacuum bag is full, I can see if my camera can zoom close enough to show off later.
ARG! This day just gets worse...

I just sent my Dragonforce ticket through the wash...

Its still recognizable, just... weird looking now.
I love spiders! I have all my musical and art equipment down in the basement, and there are quite a few spiders, but there are things I HATE. Like moths, and flies and other nasties. Spiders just get RID of those things. I mean, yeah I freaked out, because there was this white ball once and out came thousands of baby spiders, so yeah...I uhm, put them in a paper towel and threw it outside.

But man, spiders are on OUR SIDE!!!!