Spineless dope fiend cocksuckers.


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
A group of kids broke into my house Wednesday afternoon while no one was home, and stole about $4,000 dollars worth of stuff (including my 360 :cry: ) and I know it was all to sell for drug money. I just hate the human race sometimes when I think about what some people are like, and how they live their lives. It’s just sickening to me. It’s one thing to steal inventory from one of Sam Walton’s thousands of chain stores, but it’s another to break into someone’s house and just take things that they spend months working to save up for. And there’s that feeling of violation that you feel when you know that someone actually walked through your home, went through your personal belongings and just took your possessions.

To make light of the situation, the dumb ass fucking knuckle draggers took both my Xbox 360 and my Playstation 2, but left the power and AV cables still plugged into my setup (I guess they rushed and didn’t feel like cutting all the wire ties and shit.) and I don’t have many games and accessories for the 360 yet. So I called the local game stores and asked if anyone had come in and tried to sell an Xbox 360 with no power cables… the one store said “yeah, it was a couple of kids that smelled like pot.” They named word for word what I was missing and said they knew it was stolen and wouldn’t take it. The next game store I called said they bought it. The stupid motherfucker gave the store his ID (required to sell stuff). The cops now know everything they need to know, I just wonder how long it will take to get my stuff, and my family’s stuff back.
wow, got their IDs eh? that part is awesome at least, but yeah, the world's full of retards, just like the people that stole the hood off my car just recently, but I don't think the cops will be able to ever catch them.
Addicts will do anything for their addiction and won't even see straight
but the fact that they must satisfy their own problem...

I'm so sorry to hear about your house and stuff Tempest!
Thats the worst feeling in the world, to know someone broke into your "own" house and took your "own" things...

Good news , is that those kids are obviously as smart as a brick,
so hopefully, you'll get your things back!
good luck!
Who the fuck takes a care hood? like just the hood?

Your right, they aren't very smart.. And I know they are just a couple of scum bags, but still.. It just totally flips your world when something like that happens. My mom and girlfriend are worried someone’s going to try to hurt us if they get caught, or they will retaliate because we press charges, etc etc.

I just hate the idea that there are people out there whose only care in the world is to poison themselves with drugs. they want to live their life completely sedated and unaware.

I've always kinda kept to myself growing up, didn’t interact much with other kids, and yeah i got picked on and shit, so I've always had this idea in my mind that people are cruel and only care about themselves, and their own image. And I just.. hate people. Everything from the day to day lie, cheat steal, to the arrogance and un-acceptance of peers. I swear, at least once a week I walk back into my office building from lunch, and I'll be about 20 steps away from the elevator door as it opens, and someone will get on it before me and push the close button so that I don’t get on with them. And I'm not even intimidating... I just.. it's sickening when I think about human behavior.
lizard said:
Chromie, post the pic :lol:

notice all the missing wires and valve cover and fluid caps, etc :Smug:


ledmag and I have discussed this. People are dicks and fucking suck, (well not all people but probably a majority of them). Not to sound stereotypical or to make generalizations, but the majority of "rich" people think they are entitled to shit and that exceptions can be made for them. I deal with this on a daily basis where I work at the "Retirement Center" because it costs quite about for the elderly to live there. On another note, a guy and girl just robbed a bank a few days ago in Lancaster, Ky and threw the money and guns out their truck window. Dumbasses I tell ya. Real smart, "lets leave a trail and evidence so the police can catch us."
Yeah, there’s a lot of "rich" people out there that are stuck up and will lift their noses to people they don't know or that don't look like they are of the same "status" as them. But at the same time, there are plenty of people who feel like they are of a "lower status" and try to make up for it by being a dick so that they can feel above someone. It's like when the fat kids make fun of the prom queen because they know they can never bang her... so they make fun of her and try to hurt her feelings so they can feel better about themselves...

FUCK! I HATE PEOPLE, High school was the worst.

Edit: And no, I wasn't picked on in high school, but I just hated everyone there... and aftertime I just kinda seperated myself from everyone.
Oh man Will, if they took my guitar, I'd probably kill them. Like, not even joking or exaggerating... I'd fucking kill them.
I hate society. I hate it with a burning fire straight from the bowels of the Goatmaster himself. I'll probably end up being a recluse, living in the woods somewhere. Hopefully I have that special lady with me. ;)

I'm glad to hear that they caught the douchebags. Keep us updated with the capture and such.
Tempest said:
Oh man Will, if they took my guitar, I'd probably kill them. Like, not even joking or exaggerating... I'd fucking kill them.

So would I! You don't touch a guy's guitar unless he trusts you. I found it odd that they didn't touch your music stuff or your monitor, yet they took your dad's laptop...
They took an xbox 360 with no cables... they moved my monitor... but didnt take it...

The cops called me today, they said they would call me tonight to come in and sign for my stuff. They got my games and shit.. only thing they didnt get back yet was my dad's laptop and my little brother's ipod video.

man, these guys are so fucked.