Spiral Architect?


Mar 30, 2005
North Dakota
I've been hearing things about this band lately, and I've been debating if I should buy their album or not. I've tried downloading it, to see if I would like it, but I've found nothing:erk: . Amazon doesn't even have samples:yell: . I've heard they're similar to Watch Tower, but you can never be too sure. What do you guys think of them? Because I don't want to spend money if I'm not going to like it, you know? Thanks!
I think they are an astounding band. The music is very complex, many of the lyrics are existential, and the vocals sound like they were heavily influenced by John Arch. If you don't like musical show-offs, stay away.

I am very much looking forward to the new album they are making, which I suppose will come out by the year 2007 (if we are lucky).

Here is a link to the song "Moving Spirit" (in real audio) http://lasercd.com/merchant/lasercd/soundfiles/movingspirit.ram
One of my favorite bands. But I really like that Tech stuff. Like 'soul of ice' said. you have to like the genre. If you do Spiral Architect is a must band!
#1_Droogie said:
I've been hearing things about this band lately, and I've been debating if I should buy their album or not. I've tried downloading it, to see if I would like it, but I've found nothing:erk: . Amazon doesn't even have samples:yell: . I've heard they're similar to Watch Tower, but you can never be too sure. What do you guys think of them? Because I don't want to spend money if I'm not going to like it, you know? Thanks!
Check this link : http://www.spiralarchitect.com/right.html#discography

+ the SA page on Prog Archives in order to read different reviews : http://www.progarchives.com/Progressive_rock_discography_CD.asp?cd_id=3933
I check them some years ago and didn't found them appealling. But again what count it's your own opinion ;)

Try to check Kerrazy torrents or Google them.

NP: Savage Circus - 'Beyond Reality'
Wyvern said:
I check them some years ago and didn't found them appealling. But again what count it's your own opinion ;)

Try to check Kerrazy torrents or Google them.

NP: Savage Circus - 'Beyond Reality'
I've googled them, and searched on Bittorrent, which I've found to have a bigger database than kerrazy torrents, but I might check there aswell. Oh well, I'm most likely getting it.
I love prog, but there is a point where "prog" crosses over to "organized noise" and to me, Spiral Architect crossed that line. That is not to say you won't like it, but be prepared for a very challenging listen.

Bryant said:
I love prog, but there is a point where "prog" crosses over to "organized noise" and to me, Spiral Architect crossed that line. That is not to say you won't like it, but be prepared for a very challenging listen.

Thanks for the heads up. I've read reviews that say things along that line too, but I love WT's Control and Resistance....so we'll see.:Spin:
This bands album just arrived in the mail today (ordered from Amazon).
From the fiest song i wa quite surprised cos i actually thought they were death prog (!), but, no. Once i got past that, i was quite bored. I'm not particular to any one style of metal, if its good, its good. Period. Unfortunately im almost regretting this purchase, but i will ahve to see what future listens have in store.