Spiritual Black Dimensions...

I think Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is their best album, but I never listen to Dimmu anymore. They were a gateway for me into black metal, and Spiritual Black Dimensions was the first album I bought from them, but they just don't do it for me anymore. I prefer something more subtle and epic like Code's Nouvelle Gloaming. Spiritual Black Dimensions has really really shitty production, which is my biggest issue with it. Simen is a good singer, but I prefer him with Arcturus and Borknagar.
How can one think Spritiual Black Dimensions has terrible production? I just can't argee with at...at all. For this album, it works..it is perfect. And plus, I'm too busy paying attention to the phenomenal music to even care anyway.
Well, for one I think the keyboards are mixed way too high. The drums are too low. And the guitars are too muddy. Compare it to Enthrone Darkness Triumphant where every instrument is audible and the guitars have a wicked punch to them.
Well, for one I think the keyboards are mixed way too high. The drums are too low. And the guitars are too muddy. Compare it to Enthrone Darkness Triumphant where every instrument is audible and the guitars have a wicked punch to them.

I get what you are saying but I think the production is actually one of the strong points of the album... i.e. it doesn't sound like the typical extreme metal album with guitars raging in the front... it's just very thick and muddy which suits the music just fine IMO. I couldn't imagine that album with production like they have on their newer stuff... it would sound to processed and generic.
I would hope for a production more similar to Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. I hate the production on Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and the rest after SBD. It's too glossy. It's not metal, it's more like a pop hard rock production.
I would hope for a production more similar to Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. I hate the production on Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia and the rest after SBD. It's too glossy. It's not metal, it's more like a pop hard rock production.

I have no problem with PEM's production... in fact i would say its my favorite album by them... no offense but only a elitist or troo kultist would say it's too glossy... regardless of production the songs themselves are definetly metal and definetly heavier then a typical pop hard rock band and their music... try to give the album a listen again from beginning to end and listen to the songs and forget the production... and by god (no pun intended) stop listening to what elitists say... think for yourself...
Well, he articulated quite well why he didn't like the album. Elitism has nothing with it, moreso because he likes EDT. Show me an purist who can readily admit it:lol:
true true.. i still say he should relisten to the whole PEM album and disregard the production... to say it's not metal and is more like pop hard rock is not being realistic...
There pretty good, I listen to them alot, but I couldn't care less about what ppl think about them...but whatever Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia is a good quality album.

Can't wait to hear what there new album is gonna sound like
I have no problem with PEM's production... in fact i would say its my favorite album by them... no offense but only a elitist or troo kultist would say it's too glossy... regardless of production the songs themselves are definetly metal and definetly heavier then a typical pop hard rock band and their music... try to give the album a listen again from beginning to end and listen to the songs and forget the production... and by god (no pun intended) stop listening to what elitists say... think for yourself...

Dude, I'm definitely not "troo" or anything like that. I'm a music fan and when you smooth away all the rough edges, you get a boring and lifeless product. I thought Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia was a crap album and before it came out, I was a Dimmu Borgir fan. After it came out, I wasn't a fan. And I've never gone back. Every album since has been worse.

I've listened to the album many times. It's boring. Almost all the songs sound the same and the song structures are dull. The worst part, though, is the production. And I made that opinion on my own. Production is very important to me and is always the first thing I notice.
Dude, I'm definitely not "troo" or anything like that. I'm a music fan and when you smooth away all the rough edges, you get a boring and lifeless product. I thought Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia was a crap album and before it came out, I was a Dimmu Borgir fan. After it came out, I wasn't a fan. And I've never gone back. Every album since has been worse.

I've listened to the album many times. It's boring. Almost all the songs sound the same and the song structures are dull. The worst part, though, is the production. And I made that opinion on my own. Production is very important to me and is always the first thing I notice.

Fair enough but i still think your wrong about that album... though production is important... the songs themselves... the way they are structured etc.. are more important at least to me.. a band needs to progress and that is what they did.. cannot always sound the same forever.. some bands pull it off well but others don't and need progression... highly polished or not it's a good metal album in which they wanted the fans to hear it clearly (which is what production is mostly imo)...they are a symphonic BM band.. so less then stellar production imo is not a option...
GAH ellipsis overload! We just have a difference of opinion. It's cool. I don't even really listen to Dimmu Borgir anymore. They were a gateway to me getting into black metal so I'll always look back on their shit with fondness, but now I need something that just feels more real to me. It's all good though, I'm not going to hate on anyone for liking newer or older Dimmu. My brother loves Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, for example.
GAH ellipsis overload! We just have a difference of opinion. It's cool. I don't even really listen to Dimmu Borgir anymore. They were a gateway to me getting into black metal so I'll always look back on their shit with fondness, but now I need something that just feels more real to me. It's all good though, I'm not going to hate on anyone for liking newer or older Dimmu. My brother loves Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, for example.

Shave his hair off and put a Britney spears album under his arm then take a picture lol jk ... glad he likes PEM... but anyways at least your cool about other's opinions...