Dimmu Borgor - New Silenoz interview.

Bleh. Why do you people still care about this pointless, whiney band?

The fatass drummer jumped shipped and it'd be great if the others would follow suit.
They've got phenomenal songs.........by far Dimmu's best release would be a Compilation of their best tracks spanning the career, because the albums as a whole don't hold-up to the standout tracks.

I like 'em. Have to be in the right mood though.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I recall most were along the lines of:
"That's not funny. You suck."

Maybe because it wasn't, and you do?

but all i said was tr00 and kvlt? for fun..because its what they like to think it as..not in those words..but yea..its not like i did it on purpose..i'm not stupid..i play black metal..i think i would know..haha


i used to like dimmu..but then i grew out of it
SculptedCold said:
They've got phenomenal songs.........by far Dimmu's best release would be a Compilation of their best tracks spanning the career, because the albums as a whole don't hold-up to the standout tracks.

I couldn't agree more. If only all their songs were as good as "Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny" or "Kings of the Carnival Creation".

I'd love to hear someone's 'ultimate' Dimmu album, spanning their collection.
Funeral_Eclipse said:
but all i said was tr00 and kvlt? for fun..because its what they like to think it as..not in those words..but yea..its not like i did it on purpose..i'm not stupid..i play black metal..i think i would know..haha


i used to like dimmu..but then i grew out of it

I wasn't talking to you.

Which is fortunate, considering the incoherence of the retort.
BlessedaretheSick said:
If only all their songs were as good as "Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny" or "Kings of the Carnival Creation".
I agree.

The first three albums were nice and atmospheric, though.
BlessedAreTheSick said:
I couldn't agree more. If only all their songs were as good as "Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny" or "Kings of the Carnival Creation".

I'd love to hear someone's 'ultimate' Dimmu album, spanning their collection.
While I wouldn't include Blessings..., Kings of the Carnival Creation is indupidably one of their greatest songs.
Scythes of Vengeance said:
I think DB would make alot of people happy if they stopped calling themselves black metal.

DO they even call themselves black metal any more? Typically, when a band sells out as bad as Dimmu have, they attempt to pass themselves off as black metal for maybe a couple of years tops, but then get sick of all the abuse (and, considering this is black metal, probably death threats too) from people who see through the bullshit, and come out and say that they're not black metal. From then on, it's the part of the mainstream music press and the idiot fans to propogate the idea of them being 'black metal.'

I'd be more happy if the band, all their fans and any other idiots who call them black metal would just die.
polarity said:
DO they even call themselves black metal any more? Typically, when a band sells out as bad as Dimmu have, they attempt to pass themselves off as black metal for maybe a couple of years tops, but then get sick of all the abuse (and, considering this is black metal, probably death threats too) from people who see through the bullshit, and come out and say that they're not black metal. From then on, it's the part of the mainstream music press and the idiot fans to propogate the idea of them being 'black metal.'

I'd be more happy if the band, all their fans and any other idiots who call them black metal would just die.
In this interview, didn't Silenoz or the guy interviewing him say they were black metal?
I didn't realize I was going to be expected to read it :(

edit: it was the interviewer