Sponsor Meet Up


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Mar 29, 2003
This idea was born just out of the fact of one thing. Although we do meet every year with Glenn before the main event on Friday to "go over the rules", get the tour, and kind of meet everyone, there are still sponsors I have not met. Also due to my dialysis schedule from 5AM-9AM Friday and then leaving to fly in from Chicago I will miss that meeting I was wondering if maybe we could meet up in the early or late afternoon at a designated spot? Maybe I could make up some name badges or even t-shirts so the rest of the crowd would know who the sponsors were. Not to boost our ego at all just to let everyone know who the people "behind the scenes" are. They already bother Glenn endlessly. We can act as a buffer zone for the dude. LOL If you are interested e-mail me and I am open to all and any suggestions. Later.

-Sean Quigley
Sponsor of Vision Divine
Sounds like a great idea, I am up for it, as i have never met any of the sponsors, You got my vote.
Its cool to meet and and shoot the shit but I really dont like the idea of having to announce ourselves via another badge, we already get one, you know? I am always around, you will bump into to me at one point or another but I am always up for a get together :kickass::headbang:

I concur about the badge. After all, we'll already be wearing our PP badges, plus the "Fuck You!" PP Forum badges*........ We don't need no additional steenkin' badge. :D

* unless cooler and wiser heads prevail and make them less...uh...confrontational...PP Forum badges. Which would probably be a good idea. :)
Pellaz said:
I concur about the badge. After all, we'll already be wearing our PP badges, plus the "Fuck You!" PP Forum badges*........ We don't need no additional steenkin' badge. :D

What's this about PP Forum badges? I'm lost. o_O
Bear said:
Spit it out!!!!Never knew you to be short on words,just short!! :p:p:p:p:p:p

What????????? I am five foot seven and a half - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

My comment was a little too feisty ....even for me so I figured I'd wait till the jacket was safely back in Texas :loco:
Bad Girl Tess said:
What????????? I am five foot seven and a half - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

My comment was a little too feisty ....even for me so I figured I'd wait till the jacket was safely back in Texas :loco:

LOL!!! Still shorter than me, and most Swedes LOL

As for the jacket, I am keeping it!!!Holding it ransome, you'll have to come get it :saint:

biggs0072000 said:
What's this about PP Forum badges? I'm lost. o_O

I think there was a discrete thread about them.... Shaye (Lady_Space) kindly offered to help make some up, after I planted the seed of the idea somewhere on the Forum...but it's an idea that's long overdue. :)
Okay sponsors, i am going to try and get some goodies for you guys from my company(shirts, and hats) if you read this let me know what size shirts, so if I pull this off i will have the right size for everyone.
small/girlie shirts. I'm always looking for them. Will take what ya got, though! Yea, no badges, but a meet-up would be great.