Sponsorship For National Kidney Walk


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Mar 29, 2003
I am taking part in The National Kidney Foundation Of Illinois Gift Of Life Walk 2005 in Chicago, IL. on Sunday, June 26, 2005. My goal is $200 and was wondering if anyone on the board would be interested in sponsoring me. There is no obligation at all, just want to get the word out and do my best with the time that is left. I am a current kidney dialysis patient so this hits very close to home. I plan on finishing this walk no matter what, so no worries on that end. I was able to set up a sponsorship webpage to make it easier for contributors. I have provided the link below. Thank you for your interest and support.

-Sean Quigley

The_Q said:
YOU RULE BRYANT!!!! I owe you a couple of beers at PP. Thanks again brother.

My Father-in-law is a dialysis patient. I unfortunately know a good deal about the ordeals dialysis patients have to go through just to stay alive and reasonably healthy. And I'll see you at the end of July, not just PP :D

hey the Q....hooters you say? on our 8th grade field trip i cut out of the arcade with a few guys and we went to the hooters next to it :D

and funny thing is, we didnt get in any trouble cos we found one of our 7th grade teachers who was "sick" that day in there, haha.
The_Q said:
YOU RULE BRYANT!!!! I owe you a couple of beers at PP. Thanks again brother.

The moderator of the oldschool forum (Hawk) put my post on sticky. He is a great guy and so is the forum. Anyone here who might like a little oldschool stuff (including and especially you young guys) please visit the oldschol forum.
