NEVERMORE Guitarist Undergoes Successful Kidney Transplant Surgery - Jan. 10, 2007

Congratulations Steve! Awesome news. I'm really glad to hear that the whole kidney thing panned out for you. Even though you weren't really gone, we're glad you have you back! Nevermore doesn't look quite right without you.
Can't wait to hear what you have in store for us for '07 man. Here's to a speedy recovery and adjustment to your shiny new kidney :kickass: :kickass:
wow - that are fantastic news
i wish you all the best and a lot of power.
i´ve to take my hat off to you how you handle it all - illness, writing songs for nevermore and the essens project, being activ in your forum and so on :worship: :worship: :worship:
Splendid news. Congratulations, Mr. Smyth. This made my day (I'm off school with some sort of bug/hangover).
This is by far the best news ever on this board. THIS is what we all have been waiting for. And I am SO glad this was finally done. Steve, Recover fast and come to Europe! You're the man!
Congratufuckinglations, Steve.

Are you still able to drink coffee, just out of plain curiosity? If so, you're coming over for a cup next time you play San Antonio...

Thank you everybody! I really appreciate all the well wishes very much!
It's by no means "over" just yet; this is only the beginning of a new life for me, and I have to take care of it, which I intend to do with everything I've got!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Just scream for the cream...

Yeah, I've been told that for three different health issues I'm having a cut in coffee intake would be good, but that's just not fucking happening...

I have some tea too, to help clear my throat and sinuses, but some double-brewed coffee and lugging half of my weight in books around gets the job done best. Then again, I weigh so little for my height that I can easily manage 20 pushups without thinking twice, so that changes things somewhat.
