Spring Semester 09


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
I know we've got some college students on the forum here - just curious what everyone else has going on for this semester.

For me I've got Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations, the senior project and I may pick up another engineering class at some point.
Transportation Geography and Planning, Geography of the Far East, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Methods, Environmental Issues...and Western Civ II :Smug: Oh well, at least the other 4 are relevant to my major!
Business and Professional Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Geology w/ Lab
Weight Training

I should be finished with my Associates by Summer I session ... I'm tired of school... I can't wait till I have a Bachelor's Degree :)
Videography and Digital Editing
Audio Production IV
Philosophical Ideas in Fictional Literature
Legal Issues in the Music Industry

Not too bad, just having them all in a row is a tad exhausting.
We don't get to choose our curriculum, as it's pre-decided when you start the degree programme. But anyways, I currently have these courses in this period (January - March):

- Skill, Innovation & Business Conduct
- Fourier analysis
- Software Project Management
- Telecommunication Infrastructures
- Cross-Cultural Management (elective)
- Analog Electronics (rehash)

And these courses will start on the 4th period (March - May):

- Object-Oriented Software Design
- Object-Oriented Software Project
- Mobile Programming / Symbian, Part 1