SSL LMC-1 Now for Windows

Keep in mind that it's famous for its crappiness. It's great at squashing room ambience tracks for example but I'm a bit skeptical about using it on anything else (except for lo-fi music).
~BURNY~ said:
Keep in mind that it's famous for its crappiness. It's great at squashing room ambience tracks for example but I'm a bit skeptical about using it on anything else (except for lo-fi music).

I just tried it on a room mic track in place of an all-buttons 1176 plugin crush setting.

It's got a great "drums in telephone booth" feel to it, but yeah, it's modeled after a talk-back mic comp IIRC, so you definietly lose some low end whether you want to or not.

Might be cool for a lo-fi vocal or guitar effect...
yea it sounds awesome on lofi drum parts. what ive found to be cool is when using dfh2 I will have my normal drum tracks going and then ill duplicate that and then put this plugin on that and blend it in for some parts. sounds sweet.

its also probably the coolest lofi vocal effect ive ever used.