Windows 7 + Production

There was a thread about this in the Equipment subforum.

I'm using it at the moment, upgraded from XP. Runs MUCH better although am having some troubles with pops n crackles in playback

is the power saving management thig set to MAXIMUM performance!?
Thanks Kev, it's good to hear the vote of confidence.

Yes W7 handles failures much better than XP. I don't think I've had a single system hang-up with it yet. The only time it bluescreened on me was when the nVIDIA drivers screwed up the OS.

XP and Cubase have been horrid for me lately. I don't know what's going on but I could barely get through some of my work from the amount of CTD going on. There's some weird memory issue with my install and if I run any amount of sampler VSTs and UI intensive plug-ins it just dies in the ass. It's been pretty infuriating. That and Cubase 5 is almost a joke of a DAW, but that's another discussion.

I'd advise you to download and run memtest just to be sure it's not your ram that's faulty.
Windows 7 64 bit with RME FireFace 800 and Cubase 5 / 32 bit is the most stable combo I've found. Cubase 64 bit can work, but any 32 bit VST plugins take up a lot more CPU power in 64 bit Cubase due to the bridging, which isn't that stable right now. Apparently in mid-December we're due for a Cubase update that will make things nicer for 64 bit users in Windows 7 and Snow Leopard.

As for Windows 7 in general, I'd say it pretty much negates most of the reasons why people were switching to Macs for a while.
I tried Windows 7 64- and 32bit on a i7-920/6 Gb DDR3 machine together with Sonar 32/64bit.

W7-64 bit:
In a normal project with lots of 32bit plugins the CPUpower was way higher than in XP-32bit deu to bitbridging. The same project.

Runs great! But the slimmed down W7 still took 800 mb from the RAM memory, while my slimmed down XP takes only 150 Mb.

3 Gb minus 0.80 Gb = 2.2 Gb left for Superior D./SSD3.5
3 Gb minus 0.15 Gb = 2.85 Gb left for Superior D./SSD3.5

So I stayed with XP-32.
And there was this isseu with my MOTU not running 32 samples in W7 while it does in XP. But thats MOTU to blame for their drivers.
Could this also be the fabled 5.5 update that includes a multitrack beat detective style feature?

I don't think so, that would be great, but it seems too early. Maybe in 2010.

Keep in mind that Windows 7 is not officially supported yet by Steinberg until the next Cubase patch comes out - so the fact that it works decently already is a testament to Steinberg's dedication to performance and stability. Also, Cubase works equally well in Snow Leopard right now, even though it's not supported either.
I tried Windows 7 64- and 32bit on a i7-920/6 Gb DDR3 machine together with Sonar 32/64bit.

W7-64 bit:
In a normal project with lots of 32bit plugins the CPUpower was way higher than in XP-32bit deu to bitbridging. The same project.

Runs great! But the slimmed down W7 still took 800 mb from the RAM memory, while my slimmed down XP takes only 150 Mb.

3 Gb minus 0.80 Gb = 2.2 Gb left for Superior D./SSD3.5
3 Gb minus 0.15 Gb = 2.85 Gb left for Superior D./SSD3.5

So I stayed with XP-32.
And there was this isseu with my MOTU not running 32 samples in W7 while it does in XP. But thats MOTU to blame for their drivers.

Hm... I was thinking of installing W7 x64 to run Cubase 32bit :u-huh:
Ah yeah, he didn't specify if the extra cpu consumption was by using Sonar 64bit or 32bit... I hope it was 64bit USING 32bit plugins


W7-64 + Sonar-64 + 32bit plugins. (I haven't tried W7-64 with Sonar-32.)
The CPU problem is when I load loads of 32bit plugins. As most people here 95% of my plugins are 32bit.

If most plugins were 64bit I would switch over to 64bit OS+DAW in a second.

(There should be a sticky for 64bit plugins........)