Windows 7

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hello Sneapsters,
I tried using the search function. It wouldn't accept the '7', saying I gotta to use at least 4 or more characters. I tried googling "windows 7" - No such thread. The ones who have downloaded the release candidate, what are your opinions?

1. A little birdie told me that the beta version consumed abnormal amounts of RAM. Has this been dealt with in the RC?

2. It's definitely built upon a different algorithm rather than the one used for XP and Vista, but does it by any chance have a CPU fetish like Vista does?

3. Any hardware/software compatibility issues? As it is, Pro Tools acts like a stubborn motherfucker in XP. Haven't tried out 8 so wouldn't know.

4. Any other issues which you'd like to pin-point?

I know I could just try it for myself, but as life's really cluttered up for me right now I was hoping some of you would be kind enough to come forward and help me out here.

Cheers! :kickass:
1. No ram problems on my work machine with the most recent build
2. I didnt really think Vista had a cpu fetish, it ate a shitload of ram, but never did I have any problems with cpu consumption.
3. Probably riddled with them, epecially for older plugins and all i can imagine is disaster.
4. a) It has lovely desktop backgrounds
b) The person who designed vistas start menu MUST BE SHOT. I still hate it with a gargantuan passion.
c) The stupid bar slows me down to tortoise speed in comparison with XP in terms of general use
d) XP mode is cool
e) As much as i'd love to adopt a new OS, I still see myself with XP for years to come. I keep trying all these new OS's and resort back to XP, because its fab.
f) I hate the control panel
g) There are still no exchange plugins available for me to manage my exchange server directly
h) I hate the graphics panel
i) The whole thing is dumbed down to an annoying level and to get to the advanced options is ball ache
j) Indexed searches are shite
k) Very slow to manage remote computers using the management snapin
l) If any of you are familiar with the admin tools, so you can manage your DHCP, active directory and other fun stuff just wait til you install it. After the install it isnt there LOL. You have to then go deep down into the options in functionality and actually select to switch it on? WTF is that about? Something to do ith a court case I expect.
I tried Vista and hated it and went back to XP, when I heard (read) 7 was the thing I tried it hoping for it to be a real XP progression. I found it was a reworked version of Vista.

Besides an audio engineer I'm also a computer tech and I want to be able to control and tweak an OS to make it do just what I want it to do. I don't want it to do/load things I don't need. This is an easy and well known think in XP.

Vista and 7 are made to do things and load stuff they think is useful for the average user. Surely most people would love it, I just don't. Everything is hidden. Just look at the Control Panel. Things are now all over the place. If you look at my PC it is a basic no fancy color or background. For me it is a tool and I want it to be the best it can to do the job.

For now, and hope for years I'm happy and stable with XP.

My two cents
Yeah I feel the last 2 posts. They obscured too much functionality in 7, instead of making it more user-friendly, they actually made it a bigger clusterfuck to tweak for the average/seasoned user.

I'm not sure really. I'm happy to keep W7 as a day-to-day OS because it's more convenient to set up than XP, but I'm looking into slipstreaming some RAID drivers into my XP disc so I can use it again for audio production.
the problem with windows 7 is that they've tried to just put security and usability on top of the already exsisting model. it just doesn't work like that. everything needs be re-done from the ground up

but that's not going to happen for a while..

i tried the beta on my mac, and it was pretty good. lightning fast for me, actually. games were another issue. the opengl teathing pains in vista certainly haven't been sorted, and even DX9 games run SO much slower.

not an issue in a DAW though, but i get this annoying thing cubase (and i've seen other people with it too) where dragging something for too long locks up the gui until you release the mouse click. it happens in vista too.

i'm gonna be sticking with OS X and XP for quite a while, i think.

everything needs be re-done from the ground up

they redid the whole kernel, which is why it is so much faster than vista

they definitely need to make it easier to configure though. Wayyy to much extra crap that is very unnecessary for someone who knows what they are doing.
Runs very well for me. Unfortunately, my 2year old graphics card is no longer supported, so I get graphics issues (buttons disappearing and becoming unclickable -_-), and there seems to be no option to change the brightness on a laptop, but apart from that its pretty damn good. Agree that its been oversimplified tho. Some plugins don't install properly (Drumagog), but just install them on another comp and copy the DLL over.
Oh yeh, I've got the WORST thing I forgot to mention. If any of you are familiar with the admin tools, so you can manage your DHCP, active directory and other fun stuff just wait til you install it. After the install it isnt there LOL. You have to then go deep down into the options in functionality and actually select to switch it on? WTF is that about? Something to do ith a court case I expect.
I am loving it for my home ocmputer but for my DAW i'll stick with XP. Btw, on my mother's dual core it runs great. On my old semprom notebook with 512mb of ram it's REALLY slow, but not much more than XP. Sometimes it hangs for no reason with high ram usage and comes back like 3 min later.