st patrick day stories?

Well, I just genuinely hated that. It was not even ironically bad, it was just plain bad, a horrible, horrible movie.

That said, I find entertainment in almost everything so I didn't find it terrible.

that said, having watched the "best scenes" from the Wicker Man before seeing Ghost Rider just made it better.




Not legal here. :(

Nope, no concealed fixed-blade weapons in California. However, there are no state laws against concealing bigass folding knives as long as they are designed such that you can't wrist-flip them out into locked position. City and county regulations may vary of course.

Everyone needs to knife a drunk occasionally, and more often on St. Paddy's day.
Went to a bonfire on Saturday night. Only like five people got there before we got kicked off the beach for having alcohol, and luckily nobody got arrested. So we ended up at this one dude's house, and a bunch more people were there, including some chill people from a local band who are good friends of mine (Hatchet). And I drank and smoked myself retarded.

And then my friend ended up pissing off the dude's roommate somehow, so he got kicked out of the apartment and dragged me with him, and we went on a very long, tedious bus ride that went through the ghetto for some reason to get back to his house.