speedy meatmonger
which it should be if you're looking for ACTION HARDCORE and aren't a canadian studying greek shit
my eyes water'd up at the end, fuckin sad.
It's a pretty bad movie.
I loved it, but it's terrible.
Well, I just genuinely hated that. It was not even ironically bad, it was just plain bad, a horrible, horrible movie.
That said, I find entertainment in almost everything so I didn't find it terrible.
^ Yeah the above may be true, but goddamn if i wasnt entertained for the full 2 hours.
edit: it also had some fine titties.
It's lack of plot, lacklustre and dull direction, Cage's horrible acting, Mendes being as wooden as ever. I think the list could go on forever.
It's lack of plot, lacklustre and dull direction, Cage's horrible acting, Mendes being as wooden as ever. I think the list could go on forever.
hey, watch it. theres alot of violence in 300. BlueSky may not like that. I hear it offends his superior brain.
derek is the only person that i have heard of that dislikes the movie, everyone i know loved it. But you can't please everyone, but im gonna go see it agian, definatly.
*loves seeing movies at theaters for free*