Stairs: Lights Or Reflective Tape This Year?


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Mar 29, 2003
I guess this goes out to Glenn. I know you said last year it was up to the venue to take care of the stairs but this year I feel that I need to step it up. This year I lost complete sight in my left eye. I t is very very slowly coming back but I will be quite impaired come September. With poor depth perception those stairs are going to be ten times more treacherous than previous years. I guess what I'm asking is there anything we can do to light a fire under their butts to do something? Do I need to take up a collection for reflective tape and do it myself before the show (which I will be more than happy to do). Safety first I say. What do you guys say?
Oh man. I'd so kick in for this.

My knee's have never been the same since the big Kellsco fall of 2003 right at the start of the Nightwish set. Both knee's...BAM....missed at least one step if not two. And I hurt my neck from the jarring it took when I hit the floor.

I'll stay on this thread to see what our solution is.

ps: I hope your sight comes back soon. :)
I'm all for the tape. I bought a little pen light for this year. I've nearly fallen so many times.
The danger for me last year, was going down the stairs, and having somebody wearing all black sitting on the stairs. But I know that Glenn has already stated that they are going to be making a much greater effort this year to keep the stairs free.
BenMech said:
FYI: the stairs are no problem if you are sober

The stairs are problems when recovering from knee surgery. I couldn't see them and I could barely walk. Chris-F5 caught me and stopped me from falling one time.

It was an interesting year, last year. I wasn't mobile enough to move between sets and afraid of breaking my neck on the steps if I wanted to get up during the sets.

Of course, I'm a tad clumsy, anyway, so even sober and in sensible shoes those steps are a PITA.
booB said:
FYI: I don't drink at ProgPower and I have almost fallen several times.

same here. The change from a well lit area (like the lobby) into the venue makes it even harder to see anything but the stage as you walk in.
BenMech said:
Your predicament is a tad different, Bah.

A tad, but you'd think places like that would anticipate the less graceful among us. Sure, it's no one's fault BUT mine that I'd had knee surgery (well, for the venue) but it sure was harder than it had to be to get around!
I've had a couple near misses myself. Part of it is that the stairs are so short - they're totally out of natural stride length for most people. Reflective tape would be a wonderful thing - not only for the people who fall, but the other people who get fallen into or bumped/grabbed on the way down...
i'd be willing to pitch in also. I haven't had a fall yet but have definitely caught myself missing a step or stepping on the edge of a step which could have led to a fall if I wasn't drunk (much more careful about it when i am drunk cause i know i'd fall if I wasn't careful :) ).

they are definitely too short in length and not normal spacing... especially when you're 6'3 with a 13 shoe.
Damn... with all these tales of big falls and medical problems, I almost want to start saying the stairs should be lighted! :) I guess I'm the only one who has never had a problem with those stairs. Though I have to admit that I have, at least a couple times, caught people who were in the process of falling. Perhaps reflective tape is worth a try if the venue management approves.
they are definitely too short in length and not normal spacing... especially when you're 6'3 with a 13 shoe.[/QUOTE]

agreed completly, im only 6'0, but still wear a 13 shoe, and im only 15 so i cant drink, and im still scared to death of those horrible steps!!
BenMech said:
FYI: the stairs are no problem if you are sober

Not true. I've been pretty darned sober for every ProgPower (I drink in moderation during the shows), and save the heavy drinking for after. They're dangerous, and I'm shocked that the venue hasn't been sued before for someone taking a bad fall.

The reflective tape is a great idea, but one suggestion: Put it more in the middle of the step, not on the edge (where it'll get worn off too fast).